Chapter 49 - Rescue Mission

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Luke POV

"Outside the walls?" I practically choked, "but isn't that just a wasteland?"

"Well, not exactly, it's more just unused - or so we thought," Felix shrugged.

"But you told us-" Theo began.

"I know what we told you. Everyone in both Kingdoms apart from a few of us leaders think that. We had to keep some sort of order and control - keeping everyone within these walls helps us do that. The land out there isn't really the best, but it's survivable."

"But these people knew about it, and they clearly have for a while to have their own headquarters out there," I was confused, but the realisation of these people being outside the walls surrounding both kingdoms made sense as to how they were able to go undetected for however long they had.

"I suspect this has been going on for a long, long time which isn't good. This is calculated. However, they likely don't know that we've figured out their location as their demands state to meet them near the Centre Building," the King nods to himself, "we can use this to our advantage."

Felix then stands from his chair and motions to a few of the guards, "set me up a meeting with Dalton now, tell him it's urgent."

A few of the staff nod at the King and leave the room. Felix and our other Uncles were clearly riled up.

"We're going in then, Uncle Felix?" Theo asks.

The King nods, "we're going in."

Olivia POV

It had been days.

Or so it felt.

Logan and I had been separated - we were before sharing a larger cell, it felt more like a holding cell, and now I was alone in a dimly lit hallway of cells. I was unsure exactly what information they wanted, or that we could give them, but questioning us together evidently wasn't working.

We were threatened with physical violence a lot, but the majority of these threats didn't follow through. If our families saw us completely bloody and beaten it would be a much more hostile confrontation. Although their plan was supposedly to take our families' money and then kill the two of us, it seemed they were keeping up the act of being true to their word.

Therefore, I wasn't in terrible shape. My head was pounding, and I was starving and terrified, but I was counting my blessings.

One of the doors at the end of the hall swings open, emitting a horrific high-pitched creaking sound, and the back of my neck immediately felt like a million degrees. I was moved cells, interrogated, taunted and laughed at by some of these "guards" in order to put me on edge and not let me settle. They were purposely trying to break my mind so that I would be more susceptible to any manipulation, hence why I had no indication of time.

Oh, did I mention the drugs?

"Special medicine time, princess," a voice rings out.

Luke POV

"What's taking so long?" I hiss impatiently. No one was seeming to approach the - what I would describe only as a fortress - outside of the land I called my own. I had never thought any of this land inhabitable, but apparently that was all overly exaggerated to maintain control.

"We have to be careful," Uncle Felix replies. I would have found the situation quite comical if Olivia's life wasn't in danger - both families of royals and our many guards were positioned around the old-looking building hiding behind several grassy areas and wooden structures that were so disfigured I couldn't make out what they were meant to be.

But the memories of my sister and I's last conversation were playing before my eyes like a movie.

My guilty conscience would not let me obey my Uncle's rules.

I slowly creep back from my position. Theo shoots me a confused look, but I silently wave away his concern. He seems to trust me, and turns around to where he was facing previously. I knew how insane it would sound, but I was going to get in there and I was going to do it now.

It was my fault Liv was in there, and I knew I had to get her out even if it meant risking my own life.

Olivia POV

"You gave me enough the last time," I muttered, trying to still seem a bit drugged up so they wouldn't give me anything else. It was unlikely, but I was feeling so sick I didn't know if my body could stand another dose of whatever they were giving me.

"Oh, well now you'll be even more helpful to us," a mocking male voice replies, the figure crouching down beside me. I feel a hand grab my jaw and open my chin and I reluctantly swallow the bottled liquid. I had learned the hard way what would happen if I refused.

The man seemingly checks me for injuries, places water and some sort of food next to me and slams the cell door closed, which I hardly noticed due to the sound feeling muffled. Whatever they were giving me, it hit fast.

My eyes wander up to the ceiling, rolling back a bit as I try to keep myself awake. It probably wouldn't be too safe for me to fall asleep now. I was waiting any moment for someone to come in and either interrogate me or give me something else to keep me docile.

Hearing some faint commotion, although I couldn't make any of it out, I slowly push myself up off of the ground and sense the cell door swinging open again.

Suddenly my gaze shoots upwards as my head is seemingly tilted up, not that I could feel it.

"Liv? Can you hear me?" My blurry eyes focus a bit more and I can make out some features- oh my God, I'm so drugged up that I'm seeing Luke!

"Answer me!" The voice hisses, "just tell me you're okay."

"I'm hallucinating," I notice myself slur before my head rolls downwards again.

"No, Liv it's me, I swear," Luke tilts my head upwards again with his hands, "I promise this is real, I'm getting you home now."

"How is that possible?" I lean back against the wall, feeling my eyes rolling back again. I wasn't sure how long I was going to remain conscious.

"I'll tell you when we get home," he replies before I feel myself rising up from the ground as my brother picks me up, "I need to get you out of here before things get bad."

I feel myself sort of rocking as Luke begins to walk, and find my eyes fluttering once again.

"Wait!" I sit up suddenly, hitting my brother's chest softly.

"Shh-!" He hushes me.

"Logan!" I puff out.


"He's-" my head rolls a bit, "-here. He's here too."

Luke POV

You're only here for her, I repeated in my head.

Hearing some voices up ahead, I duck behind a wall and wait for a few moments. There were far too many cogs turning in my own head.

I wanted to save my sister, as an apology, and hopefully begin to repair out very confusing rollercoaster of a sibling relationship. But was leaving the man that she claims to love to die going to help? I would save Olivia and we would continue to fight over Logan.

She was never going to be happy without him, I realised, and me saving only her to feel less guilty was me being selfish. Again.

If either of us was going to move on with our lives, I had to make a difficult choice.

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