Chapter 17 - Letters, Lies, Logan

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Olivia POV

I quickly write a note using pen and paper Jessica gave me. I told him to meet me in three days at a certain time and that I was okay, he probably visited a few times during the month and was worried. We agreed that Lydia would take the note and stick it to the wall with tape incase the wind knocks it over, and I, of course, would go to meet him in a few days.

Apparently, Lydia says she want to go because my "leg isn't fully healed" and she wants me to "be in good condition for him" but I know she's just excited to be involved in some of the action for once. As it seems my Uncle Felix wants to turn Luke into his little "mini-me" he and I are not kept in the dark as much as the others with important information- which can be both good and bad.

I can't help but laugh at the both of the girls' excitement, "he might not even see the note or show up, you know."

"Oh be quiet, you," Jessica ushers the both of us out of her house, and Lydia and I wave her goodbye.

"Get some rest, you'll need it," Jess winks as she closes her door and we walk away, laughing as Lydia leads her horse up the hill.

After Lydia returns her horse, we see the sun begin to set in the distance, and start to run, aware of how long we've been outside. Lydia slams the door behind us, both of us leaning on it for support as we both catch our breath.

"We're so unfit," I breathe out, laughing slightly as she nods in agreement. The next few days were slow, I could hardly concentrate on anything as my mind was all over the place.

After breakfast on the day, Lyd and I headed up to my room. We told Uncle Felix we'd go out shopping for the day and he didn't seem to mind. Lydia would be at Jessica's house, keeping track of time and ready to cover for me if anything happens. She had her horse ready for if I'm late or unable to make my way back. We're as prepared as we'll ever be.

Luke and the boys were catching up on a lot of unfinished work for the King, they tended to leave things to the very last minute, and I was grateful that Felix was giving me less work even a month later. I was still recovering mentally from what had happened and was thankful for the healing time I was given.

"I can't believe you're actually doing this," Lydia laughs, playing with my hair, something she likes to always do for some strange reason.

"You put me up to it!" I swat her hands away, "but me neither."

"Do you think he saw the note?" She asks and I shrug.

"Maybe. Hopefully," my eyes wander around my bedroom.

"Just don't forget everything you're risking for this guy," she shakes her head, "is he really worth it?"

"I thought you were all for it," I remind her, smirking.

"Yeah, but I'm not all for you getting locked up for the rest of your life. Just be careful," she then bends down to whisper in my ear, "and whatever you do, don't get caught."

I laugh, "thanks."

She squeezes my shoulders one last time, "good luck, Livvy."

She sounds like she's sending me to my death. Well, she could be. Depends. I've never been more emotionally conflicted in my life.

My stomach sinks as the realisation of what I'm about to do hits me. Come on Liv, you've done this before. Just don't get caught and your life isn't over. Deep breaths. I place my hand on my rising and falling chest, feeling my rapid heartbeat. Do it for him, I told myself.

"You think I'm being stupid, girl?" I ask my horse and surprisingly she lets out a neigh.

"Is that a yes or a no?" I laugh. After no response I rolled my eyes at myself, what do I expect? I'm talking to a horse.

"Okay," I say, climbing on top of her, "let's do this."

I was constantly wiping my sweaty hands on the skirt of my slightly shorter than usual dress- for practicality reasons, careful not to fall off. We arrived in no time and I started to get even more nervous than before. It had been a while, and my uncles weren't as distracted as they were the first time.

I walked through quietly, trying not to break too many twigs and listening out carefully for any sign of movement. I quickly take the rope I had brought and tie Violet to the tree, giving her enough room to move about a bit, but not too much that I'd lose her.

Maybe he's not coming? I frown as I look at the hole in the wall, wondering how it had gotten there in the first place. It looked like something had hit it hard and the bricks had fallen onto our side by the marks in the grass and dirt.

The noticed that the note was gone, so someone had definitely read it. Hopefully not the wrong person. What if something happened to him? What if they found out? What if Lydia didn't tape it properly and it flew away?

I shake my head and take a look at the wall. I then look down to my previously shot leg. It was healing okay, I just had to be careful. I pushed my hands onto the bottom of the wall to lift myself up and swing my good leg onto it to lean on while I gently lifted my other leg to the other side, landing carefully.

"Logan?" My voice comes out as a whisper as I look around.

I walk forward slowly. I had been on this side before, but I was too busy panicking the last time to actually take it in. The leaves crunch under my shoes and I hold my breath, listening again. Hearing nothing once again, I sped up and followed the trail that had formed on the ground.

This was a bad idea, this was a very bad idea.

A sudden firm grip on my waist makes me gasp as I'm pulled off the trail.

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