Chapter 15 - Punishment

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Olivia POV

Uncle Felix had managed to "handle the situation" as he had said, we didn't press any further, and made sure our walk back to the castle was that of shame. Lydia and I rode on our horses but they were led by some guards. Lydia and I thought we had done nothing wrong, but that man's simple look is enough to send anyone running. He remained silent the entire journey up the hill and back to the castle.

As we entered, we followed our silent uncle into the room where the rest of our family were gathered. Their chatter stopped instantly and they all turned to face us. Uncle Felix sat down and stared the six of us down. We were all waiting for him to speak.

"It appears," he begins, "that you have all disobeyed the rules. May I remind you that this is not the first time and I will not be so forgiving."

I didn't want to think about the many times we had snuck out at night, although this was much worse. Our other family members look disappointed, but not surprised as he goes on, "trespassing onto the other side is one of the first things I told you not to do."

"So what do we do?" Uncle Leo asks the King.

"The six of you will no longer be leaving this castle."

"What?" We ask almost all at the same time.

"You go where I tell you not to go, then you won't be going anywhere at all," he states, "apart from Luke, who I may need to accompany me on some occasions. Olivia will be needing time to rest, so it shouldn't be much of an issue for her."

"For how long?" Theo asks.

"Until I'm certain that you've learned your lesson."

"Come on!" Liam scoffs.

"All of you. Rooms. Now."

As I made it to my room, the weight of the past while came crashing onto me as I lay on my bed, letting out a few silent tears. I begin to pace around my room. I was bad for getting myself worked up, especially at night when I was tired and my mind wouldn't stop racing. I used to get really bad panic attacks at night and I was trying not to start that up again.

Logan Dalton. If anyone found out about us, we'd be dead. Everything my family stood for would be gone, and so would their respect for me.

But this was the first real romantic feelings I had ever felt, at least I thought. I had never been with anyone like that, except as a little child when I used to pretend to get married in school to some classmates, but I doubted that qualified.

Was it just a silly crush? No. I'm nineteen, I know what I feel.

My eyes wander to the bandages on my leg, and I remembered the pain on my face. I hadn't eaten anything since the night before, and I knew it would be tough. That could explain why I felt so dizzy. That or my injuries.

After some thought, and some tears, I wander over to Luke's room, stop at the door and knock gently. I hear some footsteps and the door swings open. My brother looks irritated as he looks at me, until he sees my crying and pulls me into a hug, wordlessly.

I tighten my grip around him, sobbing, "I'm sorry."

"What for?" He asks quietly.

I really wanted to tell him. My betrayal to my family was already at a point where it could destroy us all, but my stupid feelings couldn't decide what I wanted.

"Olivia, what happened? Are you hurt?" He asked worriedly.

I shake my head.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Luke was never really the most open or someone that gives the best advice in the world, but he was there for me when I needed him and that's what mattered.

"I don't remember what happened, but Lewis said you took care of me when I got back," I pulled away, "I mean, I know with what happened to me, and then you went over the wall and saw the Daltons it got you pretty angry, but I'm grateful you're here for me."

"I've not seen you like that in a long time," he frowned, "I still can't believe something like that happened."

"Did Uncle Felix get to the bottom of it?" I ask.

"Yeah, but, honestly, they won't tell us anything. Don't worry about it, okay?" He tells me and I nod, "it's all under control now."

"I know you crossed the wall with good intentions, Luke, but that was stupid. Please don't do something like that again," I plead.

He sighs, sits on his bed and puts his head in his hands, "I know, I know. I just lost control a little I guess."

"I understand, it's okay."

After calming myself down with the help of my twin, I say goodnight to the others and finally go to bed.

A week passes, and what little hope we had of a short punishment was long gone. Uncle Felix was serious about this one. We all waited a while before going down to breakfast, avoiding the adults. Luckily I was off of my crutches and my leg was healing quite fast. I was thankful we could afford such good medical supplies.

"How long is this going to last? They're practically shunning us," Lydia groaned as we sat down. On a regular day the six of us usually had breakfast on our own, but now we were in trouble it felt like they were doing it on purpose.

"Yeah, and it wasn't even us that went over in the first place," I glare at my brothers.

"Shut up," Luke throws something at me which I dodge. There goes our newly strengthened sibling bond.

"Why don't the two of you go ask Uncle Felix to be more lenient with our punishment then? Since you're the innocent ones," Liam teases.

"Wow, I didn't know you new such big words Liam," I smile sarcastically at him.

"I didn't know you were such a bi-"

Lewis smacks him on the head before he can finish, "shut it."

Lewis shakes his head at me and I laugh quietly. It was good to have someone who was always on my side.

"Come on," I say when we're all finished our breakfast, "lets go for a walk."

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