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5 years later

Olivia POV

"Oh Logan, I just love it!" I rested my head on my husband's shoulder as we looked up at our finished new home.

A lot had changed in a small amount of time.

The wall between our two kingdoms had been knocked down after a couple years of Logan and I being engaged. We were married in the Daltons' castle, and it was safe to say the two of us really were a hot topic amongst our people. They seemed to be thrilled at the end of all the war and conflict between our two families.

As a gift to the two of us, the Centre Building had been completely redesigned into a beautiful castle which would become our new home - it meant that the two of us could move out of our family homes while also being close to both at the same time. It made sense, seeing as Logan gave up his position as heir.

I was completely over the moon at the newfound peace. There was not much need for organised meetings between the two families, as things were a lot more calm and the two Kings seemed to be getting on fine with civilised arrangements. I was honestly glad - I though it was all a bit over the top anyway.

"I'm glad," he kisses my forehead, "only took us a few years."

I chuckle, "it was worth it."

"Your Highness," one of our guards approaches us and bows towards me, "the King has sent a carriage for you. He wishes to speak to you as soon as possible."

"He did?" I ask, and the guard nods, "I'll be there in a moment."

"What do you think he wants to speak to you about?" Logan asks, and I shrug, but knowing I had some news of my own for them I decided to go.

"I suppose I should go see him anyway," I kiss him on the cheek, "I'll see you soon."

"Good luck," he winks, almost reading my mind, "I wish I could come too-"

"But they need you here, I know," I nod, "I'll be fine. Love you."

"Hello, Sister," I am greeted as soon as I enter my family castle.

"Your Majesty," I bow quickly before giving Luke a hug.

"Oh, no need for that Liv," he playfully rolls his eyes before leading me to the dining hall. I appreciated how most things in the castle had been kept the same- it made me feel as though things had never changed.

"How are things going between you and Logan's cousin running the kingdoms now?" I ask. It hadn't been long since Luke's coronation and I was curious on how he was coping.

"Busy," he nods solemnly, "I can't lie, Felix and the others have been giving me a hand but I'm determined to work as independently as possible." To be honest, I could see Luke's eyelids were very heavy and his hands were slightly twitching. He clearly hadn't been sleeping much.

"You need to give yourself more credit. Remember how long Felix was king for, and even then he had all his brothers to help him," I tell my twin and he nods, "what about the others?"

"I think Theo enjoys the added responsibility," Luke nods, "but I don't think it'll be long until he and Lyd move out to the family estate with our uncles when I've found my feet. Lewis and Liam are definitely going to be needed, though."

The younger twins, as far as I knew, would be staying in the castle with Luke to help him as our uncles did for Felix.

"I'm proud of the three of you," I smile, "not that I didn't think you'd do well, of course, but with taking the wall down and so much change around here you've done so well. You sure you're okay with ruling yourself, though? I can always-"

"No, no, I know you and Logan are busy with all the PR and sorting your home. Besides, I don't think I'll be alone much longer," he smiles.

I tilt my head for a second before jumping up, "Luke Maxwell tell me you've not met someone and not told me!"

After Luke and I catch up, we discuss some of the family's plans to start cleaning up outside of the wall, the supposed "wasteland", and how we could use it for other purposes. I appreciated how Luke still valued my opinion in these family matters - I did give him some good ideas, after all, if I say so myself.

"Nice of you to join us," Lewis smiles after he and Liam silently enter the room, and I stand to greet the two of them.

"Actually," I trail off, "now that the three of you are here, I actually wanted to tell you something."

"Oh no," Liam starts.

"No, no! It's good, I promise," I giggle, "actually, I'm-"

The three of them look at me expectantly and I smile, "I'm pregnant."

I jump a little in surprise as almost immediately the three of them surround me in a group hug, jumping up and down and laughing, "we're going to be uncles!"

I felt overwhelming joy as I felt reminded of when we were all younger, and would engage in a similar group hug anytime we were happy.

"Liv, you know how happy I am for you, right?" Luke was walking me back to my carriage as the sun was beginning to set. I spent the day with my family and was feeling over the moon.

"Oh, thank you," I smile, holding my belly unconsciously.

"Not just that," he adds, and my smile softens a little, "just with everything. I wish things had went a little differently between us, when, you know..."

"Luke, honestly, it doesn't matter now. We worked it out and that's all I could've hoped for," I reassure him and he nods.

"So, this is it then?" He sighs as we reach my carriage.

"What do you mean?" I chuckle, pulling Luke into a hug, "you'll still be seeing lots of me, silly."

"I hope so," he hugs back, "I love you, sister."

"Love you, brother."

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