Chapter 35 - Bad Timing

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Olivia POV

"The searches should be over by now," Logan throws on his jacket as we get ready to leave.

"Don't you think we should wait a little longer just in case?" I suggest, still weary of going back to his side.

"They won't have taken that long. If they're still there, which I doubt, we'll just come back here," he shrugs, "or hide out in the forest for a few hours. No one is every there, trust me. They're all to scared to leave the villages in case they look suspicious."

That makes sense. Actually, come to think of it, I've never even thought why no one is every there.

It was midnight. We had waited the whole day in Jessica's house (I had left her a thank you note in the kitchen for when she returned) and Logan was desperate to leave.

"Yeah, well I am tired," I stifle a yawn, "I just want to go back now."

"Come on then," he leads me out of the house. I closed the door and locked behind me, placing the key back in its original spot.

Once again, we sneakily made our way back to the forest. It shocked me how quiet it was at night in the villages, but it made sense with the holidays, bombs and two royal figures going missing. He helped me over again before following, swiftly jumping over the wall. I rolled my eyes, show off.

"What's up?" He asked, smirking, though I knew he already knew the answer. I just shook my head and he laughed, "I can teach you how to be as talented as I am if you want," he teases.

"Oh, shut up," I shoved his chest lightly, "I was in crutches, remember?"

"Of course," he pulls me into a playful hug.

"Seriously though," I look up at him, "I can't do too many strenuous activities according to my old doctor."

"Don't worry," he kisses me on the lips, "you won't have to. I'll carry you everywhere if I have to. Or if you want me to. We can relax a lot now those searches are done, they won't be able to do something like that again. They've already invaded people's privacy one and I doubt they'd be happy if it happened again."

"We should still be careful," I warn him.

"You worry too much."

"You don't worry enough," I shake my head in disapproval.

I continued to let my eyes adjust to the light, or lack thereof, as we walked through the forest. Logan grabs my hand and leads me through to make sure neither of us trip or fall. It was the twenty seventh of December now, which meant the searches should be over.

"Ryan said they started the searches early right?" I ask Logan. We were still in the forest. It was bigger than it looked.

"Yeah," he nods, "why?"

"So it should be over by now, right?"

"Of course," he assured me, "we're just being safe by waiting so long. It's too late into the night for that anymore."

We thankfully make it back safely. I close the door behind us and sigh with relief. Logan turns around and gives me a hug.

"What's this for?" I ask, my voice muffled from me being pressed up against him.

"For us being so amazing," I can hear the smile in his voice, "we dodged a major bullet."

"Yeah," I say before yawning.

"Let's go to bed, Liv," he smiles.

Lydia POV

The twenty seventh of December had come. I was able to delay the searches for another day, and somehow the Daltons agreed, but it was all I could do. It was the day we were going to search the other side of the wall and I could not have been more nervous. I felt sick to my stomach but I had to do it to protect Livvy. The boys couldn't be more eager, on the other hand, to do the search as they had a "feeling" something was going to come out of it.

"Dad?" I approach my father on the main stairs.

"Are you having second thoughts, Lydia?" He asks and I can tell he's hopeful that I don't want to go, "you don't have to come if you don't want to."

"No," I shake my head and laugh at his disappointment, "I just wanted to ask when we were leaving."

"Around nine, I think," he checks his watch, "so you should probably get some food with the boys."

"Good idea," I nod, making my way to the dining hall. I see my brother and cousins and wave, "hey guys."

"Hey Lyd," Luke smiles at me for the first time since Liv had gone.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "why are you so happy?"

"I'm happy because I'm going to get my sister back today," he smirked, "and beat the shit out of whoever took her."

Theo nods and I gulp, Logan better run for the hills. Poor boy. Then again, I'd kind of like to see the drama go down, I am a Maxwell after all, if Olivia wasn't at the centre of it.

"Luke," my smile fades, "please don't get too confident. You don't know for certain that we'll find her."

"Believe me, Lydia," he says lowly so the other three, who are having a separate conversation, don't hear, "we will, and I will destroy whoever is responsible. Don't worry."

I gulped silently again. Whether I was afraid for myself, Olivia or Logan I was unsure. I had learned first-hand that when Luke was angry nothing could stop him. A lot like a certain King.

"Yeah, I know," I agree, though my tone doesn't quite match my words.

It was strange, seeing them all act so happy for once. It was also a little bit worrying. They were too confident and I felt guilty knowing what they didn't. I had managed to convince my father, after a long hour of begging, to warn the people an hour before the search. Maybe it would help them.

He said he'd talk to Felix about it and apparently he said yes. I'm not sure why, but he spoke to the Daltons and they said it's fine too. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be.

"Okay, are we all ready to go?" The cheerful voice of our Uncle Jeremy filled the hall.

The boys immediately stood up and rushed to the door. I stood up slowly and followed behind. I wasn't sure how to react.

"Don't worry Lydia," my uncle pats me on the back encouragingly, "we'll find her."

I nod. He sighs, sensing my bad mood. I followed my family out of the castle and down to the centre building. We passed through to the other side. Apparently, my father and uncles had arranged to meet the Daltons at their castle, as they did ours.

My hands began to sweat and I rubbed them onto my dress.

I knew they were here and I had to find them before anyone else could.

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