Chapter 3 - Family Reunited

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Olivia POV

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Luke asks as we sit down for breakfast.

"Nothing in particular," I say, still smiling from ear to ear.

I really couldn't help being this happy. I was still feeling giddy from the encounter the night before, though I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because he's the only guy I've spoke to that hasn't been sent by my family. What a rebel you are, Olivia.

"Where are our uncles, by the way?" I ask my brothers.

They all shrug their shoulders and we sit in silence for a few moments.

"What?" I ask, curious now.

"Something went down at the wall. They said something about intruders or something. They left at like five this morning. It's stressing them all out so it's best if we keep our distance for now," Luke explains.

"Intruders! Why didn't anyone tell me this?" I glare at my brothers.

"You were in your room, stupid," Liam comments which seems to entertain the other two.

I ignore him and turn to Lewis and Luke, "I suppose we don't have any royal duties today then?"

They shake their heads.

"Well, I'm going to my room. Let me know if anything changes," I sigh and head to my room. Well, I tried to at least. As I reach the stairs I hear the doors open, but don't pay much attention to it.

"LIVVY!" I hear a high-pitched voice scream as I reach the stairs. I am tackled and land on the stairs, using my hands to break my fall.

"Lydia, get off of her," I hear a familiar deep voice scold.

"Lydia! You're back!" I turn round and hug my cousin tightly.

"I missed you," she said.

"I can tell," I laughed.

Lydia and I have always been so close. Being the only girls left in our family apart from out grandmother, we stick together no matter what.

"Come on," Theo, my other cousin, Lydia's older brother by two years, pulled us up.

They definitely inherited out dark-hair gene, both of their hair the same shade of black and dark brown eyes which is also very common. I think we all have the same eyes, actually.

They had been travelling the past week or so, and it felt like forever since I had last seen them. They feel like siblings to me. I give Theo a quick squeeze before we head into the dining room to find my brothers. We sat down and caught up for a while as we haven't seen them in months.

"Where is our father?" Lydia asked.

I looked at my brothers and folded my arms, still angry at them for hiding things for me. I am the oldest, after all. Yet they all treat me like glass because I'm a girl. I internally roll my eyes at the thought.

"They all went down to the wall for a bit," Luke said, staring at me back. Our cousins just nodded and seemed to understand.

"Come," Lydia pulls me up from my chair, "lets go for a walk."

We decided to walk around the huge gardens, away from the boys where we knew they probably wouldn't follow us.

"So, anything exiting happen when we were away?" She asks.

I can't help the butterflies in my chest.

"You're blushing!" She grabs my arm.

I touch my cheek, "am not!"

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