Chapter 45 - Home Prisoner

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Olivia POV

"Good morning, Your Highness. You have a busy day today," a loud male voice enters my room, and I see a stream of light enter the room as my curtains are opened.

"When don't I, Antonio?" I scoff, rubbing my tired eyes, still waking up.

"Well, you only have one more week of cleaning. I'd advise you make it count before the rest of your family arrive," he bows quickly before exiting the room, presumably to stand outside and let me get ready.

Antonio was, well, my personal bodyguard. He had short black hair, brown eyes and was very tall. His job was to protect me at all costs, and I'm not sure why he wasn't hired sooner with everything that happened. Apparently he was a well-trusted guard already within the castle, so Uncle Felix seemed to trust him with my safety.

However, I knew for a fact that Felix also hired him to keep me behaving and report back if I was doing anything I shouldn't be, which meant there would be no nostalgic trips to the wall for me anytime soon. Or, at all, really. I had no other choice but to sit through my punishment and behave for my uncles. As much as I had fantasised about escaping behind their backs or while we were due to clean, it was impossible.

Antonio was with me all day everyday, and at night there would always be a guard outside my door. Both to ensure my safety and my obedience. I wasn't crippling with grief anymore, though, as I was kept busy often.

I wasn't sure if it was healthy, but I couldn't help but imagine Logan was with me sometimes. I would have little conversations with him in my head, and would get strange glances from my brothers when they saw my lips moving while I was cleaning.

Not only that, but I couldn't stop thinking about Christmas with him, but also how I was away from the family. The younger twins' birthday was more or less brushed over by the rest of the family and it hurt my chest to think about. I don't think they paid much attention to it, though.

It had gotten to the point where I frequently forgot that he was... dead. And it hurt when I remembered. I tried so hard not to get angry at Luke but I was constantly reminded of both him and Logan.

So, my head was a mess.

"Are you alright, Your Highness?"

"I'm doing it again, aren't I?" I shake my head, "I don't know what to do about it anymore."

"It's perfectly natural seeing everything you've went through," Antonio explains, but not daring to touch on any particular topic, "delayed stress can have an overwhelming impact and it's exhausting, but believe me, Miss Maxwell, this cleaning will do you good. I doubt you'd be doing much else and it's important that you don't have time to think."

I nod, "I know, it's just hard."

"Well, why not do something else? Cleaning obviously hasn't been very distracting these past couple weeks for you," my guard chuckles.

I shake my head, "we're not supposed to stop cleaning or we will do it all over again until it's done perfectly, or something along those lines."

Antonio chuckles again, "I highly doubt you were to take that literally. If it's for the good of your mental health I'm sure they'll understand a small break."

I look up at him, smiling. Maybe having a personal bodyguard isn't so bad after all.

"Hey," I knock a broom out of Liam's hands. He rolls his eyes, seemingly too tired to argue, "how would you feel about going outside?"

His eyes light up a little, "we can do that?"

I laugh, "yes, now move. The four of us are going out. We're going to enjoy the rest of the time our family are away and I don't have to avoid Luke."

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