Chapter 28 - Midnight

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Olivia POV

I opened Lydia's bedroom door slowly. Although expensive, they were incredibly creaky at the most convenient times. The light from the hallway creeped into her room from the gap of the slightly open door. In the darkness I could just about make out her figure on her bed.

She walks over to me after noticing the open door and I whisper, "ready?"

She laughs quietly, "not really."

"Come on," I hiss and drag her down the hall.

We tip-toe down the halls, trying our best to avoid any guards. However, at the main entrance there were a lot of guards, which made sense for this time of night. Luckily, I had already planned an alternative route.

"This way," I whisper and Lydia follows me down to the large kitchen. It was completely empty, but a few lights were on.

"There's the door back there, see?" I point towards the door.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that," she closes the door behind us. The room was completely dark.

"Come on, most of the time they leave it open because lots of the staff come and go during the night," I whisper and try the door handle. The door opens and I sigh in relief.

Both Lydia and I were changed into much comfier clothes, as a change from out huge gowns which would be quite a huge giveaway. We sneak down the pathway through the gardens, where luckily there were no guards in that particular area. This section was very private and not many people knew about it, including the little gate I used to get out sometimes.

We successfully sneaked out of the castle grounds, deciding not to take the horses because the stables were in sight of guards and we didn't want to risk it. The walk down the hill that our castle was on and down to the forest wasn't that long, it was always just getting out that was the task.

"Olivia," she turns to me, her expression serious, "if you're having any doubts this is your last chance to change your mind. You can still come back."

She did make me pause for a moment. I had thought about running away now and again as I grew up in the castle but never had the motivation I did now. I had someone that cared about me, "Lyd, I promised him. I'm sick of Uncle Felix and Luke and that stupid castle."

"I know. This won't be the last time we see each other, right?"

"Of course not," I realise our walk had turned into a speed walk and we were approaching the beginning of the forest.

"I can go on from here," I tell her and she frowns.

"Okay," she nods and her face falls.

I pull her into a hug and we stand like that for a few moments. We finally pull away and I smile, "look after them, will you?"


"Lewis and Liam. They don't show it but they're having a bit of a hard time right now with everything and when I leave it'll be worse. And Luke, I'm not sure how he'll feel but try and help him out too. He's under so much pressure from Felix and I want him to be happy, even if he said some things he didn't mean," I tell her truthfully.

She nods, "I will. Don't worry. Just please look after yourself first. If he treats you badly then run, I'll always be here."

"He won't, I was the one that came up with the idea, anyway," I tell her, "but thank you."

"Bye Livvy," she smiles sadly as I walk off into the trees.

I force myself not to turn back. Not to run back into my little cousin's arms and apologise for choosing Logan Dalton over my family.

I'm still going to see her if everything goes to plan. It's not like I've completely chose him over them, I'm just going to live somewhere else with him. Yeah, that's it. And the rest of them are too busy to come and see me so only Lydia and Jessica can.

I barely see the rest of them as it is, anyway.

I frowned. None of my attempts to cheer myself up were working.

Is this really the right thing to do? I'm choosing him over my family, and what if Lydia's right? What if he lied?

But he was so nice to me before he knew who I was.

My eyes were focused on the wall ahead of me which I could now make out through the trees. There was no going back. I had made my decision. I climbed over, realising that I was a little early and he might not be here for a while.

What if he doesn't show up? I felt bad, but I couldn't help but have doubts. No, he said he loves me. He wouldn't do something like that. I waited for a while, my eyes adjusting to the darkness of the night.

I feel someone grab me by the waist and whisper, "hey," into my ear. I jump in surprise and turn round to face him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, princess," he chuckles.

"How didn't I hear you coming?" I wonder, more to myself than him.

He shrugs, "I've been here a lot. You learn how to be quiet, I guess. The good thing about this time of night is that the streets are much quieter. We could always come out at this time if we're careful so we're not trapped inside," he laughs.

He grabs my hand and tugs me forward, "come on, nobody's around."

Sparks shot through my body at his touch, they never failed to since the day I met him. I giggled, once again getting a thrill out of defying my uncles. I had no idea what they would do come morning but I didn't care anymore.

As we walked, Logan described how told his sister our plan, as she already knew about us from the beginning. Apparently she was happy for us, and I was glad that we had people on either side of the wall looking out for us.

Even if we would be forced into hiding for a while, I didn't care.

I was with him, and I was happy.

It was liberating.

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