Chapter 24 - Little Do You Know

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Logan POV

Wow, I know I saw him that time at the wall, but up close he really does look like her.

I knew they were twins but I had never really got a close look at Olivia's brother. He definitely didn't act like her, though. Her voice was calm, soothing and she was always relaxed. She was quiet but confident had the most beautiful laugh and just the sweetest person I had ever met.

I was sure her brother, who I remembered as Luke, wasn't normally the way he is. It made sense, seeing as we hated each other. Well, supposed to, at least. Every time I looked at him I saw her and I couldn't bring myself to hate him. He got angry easily when I spoke to him and was really uptight but I still couldn't hate him because he reminded me too much of Olivia.

I miss her, I frowned deeply. I wanted nothing more than to make sure she got home safely that day but we both knew that couldn't happen.

I would happily leave my royal life behind for her even though I only met her a few months ago. I had never felt so happy in my entire life. I knew that I loved her and wanted nothing more than to be with her and the truth pained me. We both knew what we had wouldn't last long even if we wanted it to. We didn't really have a choice.

The last thing I wanted was for her to get hurt because of me, and deep down I knew if the time came and I had to break it off then it was for the best. For her.

"I've heard enough," my father waves his hand, "take him away."

The other man that came in with Luke simply nods wordlessly. Somehow, under pressure we made him confess. Apparently this man comes from a bigger organisation but doesn't want to reveal anything about it. Organisation? More like terrorists.

Of course, I'll make sure we get it out of him. He confessed to the bombings, saying that this "organisation" hates the royal families. He said he worked alone and was planning for the explosions to kill him but was arrested after being spotted in the Centre Building. He also said the bombs were timed.

A guard brought us in three items; what looks like a watch but instead of a clock had a strange symbol on it, a gun and a mask. Before any of us can discuss it, Luke grabs the "watch" and scrunches his eyebrows.

He looks to the other man, "I think we should bring Olivia down here."

My heart stops, oh no. Not now.

The other man shakes his head, "no."

"She really needs to see this Uncle Felix," he says urgently.

I look at my father and he shrugs his shoulders. The man who I now remember Olivia telling me was Felix sighs, "I'll have someone get her, but you better explain this later."

Olivia POV

"Your Highness, your uncle had requested I escort you to the prison."

"The prison?" I gasp at the news.

"He will explain everything when you get there, you've not done anything wrong, don't worry," the guard quickly adds.

"Can Lydia come?" I look to my cousin standing beside me.

"He specifically asked that only you come," he turns to Lydia and bows, "I apologise."

She shakes her head and laughs, "it's okay. I'm going to go annoy Liam."

"Have fun," I laugh as she runs along the halls to find my brother.

I am quickly taken down to the Centre Building and pass through security fairly quickly. I am shown down a hallway I had no idea even existed and down some stairs. This is so creepy. Now I see why I've never been allowed down here.

The guard opened the door to a room, and before I can speak I see an unexpected familiar face along with his father, my brother and my uncle. All four of them turn to face me, and Logan slightly shakes his head as he is out of view of the other three- signalling me not say anything to him. Not that I would.

"Uh- you needed me?" I ask, my voice coming out much quieter than I had expected as I turn to my uncle, who simply nods towards Luke.

"Remember what you said about the people with symbols?" He asks, purposefully being vague. My heart speeds up and I nod, did they have something to do with the bombs? Is that why I'm here?

"Is this it?" He hands me something and I take a closer look at it. My eyes widen, this is it!

"Yeah! I'm sure this is it," I tell him.

"Then it's them."

Lydia POV

"Lydia, enough," Liam pushes me away from him and I laugh.

"Why are you all being so secretive anyway? What aren't you telling me?" I say in a fake hurt voice.

"Doesn't matter, just get out," he continues to try and push me out of the library. They were definitely up to something, hiding some books and papers when I would go near them.

"Come on!" I struggle against Liam's grip as he continues to push me towards the door.

"Lydia," he tries to stop my hands from flying towards his face, "-out!" He manages to push me out the library door and I hear him lock it behind him.

"Now what do I do?" I mutter, already bored.

I hear some voices from down the hall and I walk slowly in their direction. Maybe I could spend some time with my father if he wasn't busy.

"Your Highness, I must speak with you urgently. It's about the princesses," a slightly out of breath voice says and I instantly freeze.

"Have you been following them like we asked?" I instantly recognise the voice of my Uncle Leo and have to hold back a gasp, what!?

"The King gave me other duties as they weren't supposed to leave, but they did and I have some urgent information," the other person explains.

"Alright, Felix should be back soon. Wait in his office and I'll try and find out how long he'll be," Uncle Leo responds. I hear footsteps approaching and quickly hide behind a wall.

What if that guard saw us at the wall? What am I saying, he definitely did! Liv, where are you when I need you?

But I think I know how to stop him from telling Uncle Felix.

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