Chapter 27 - Silent Goodbyes

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Olivia POV

We decided to go back downstairs at different times to be safe. I went first, walking quickly down the silent halls. I eventually found the room where I left my family. I open the door to find all of my uncles, my grandmother, my cousin and my twin brother. They all turn to look at me as I enter.

Uncle Felix is the first to speak, "where have you been, Olivia?"

"I got lost," I quickly announce before closing the door. It was half the truth, anyway.

He sighs before speaking again, "just please hurry next time."

Oh, there won't be a next time if I can help it.

"What's going on?" I ask, awkwardly sitting down under my family's gaze.

"We've arrested the man for the bombs, but we believe this is a much bigger picture than just that one person," Uncle Jeremy tells me.

"You mean that organisation?" I ask and he nods.

"We have agreed it's best for all of you to stay in the castle for a while, just to be safe," Uncle Leo adds.

I can't help but roll my eyes, "I'm guessing we doesn't include Luke?"

Uncle Felix shrugs, unbothered at my attitude which I was secretly grateful for, "depends."

Luke, Luke, Luke.

"Fine. Can I go now?" I ask, clenching my jaw a little.

They all nod wordlessly and I stand, the chair scraping behind me. I left and headed through the villages to Jessica's house, putting up my hood. I can't forget about her. She's been with me through everything and I can't just leave without giving her an explanation.

"You're leaving?" She asks in shock as we sit down, "with him?"

"Yeah, Jess, I know it's maybe not a good idea but I'm so sick and tired of all this stuff with my family. I'd actually be happy with him," I tell her.

"Well-" she shrugs, "I guess so. But how would I ever see you?"

"The forest," I suggest, "you can communicate with me through notes and I could come to see you. The only problem is where we would be- we'd be on the other side of the kingdom and it would take a while for me to walk to you without being seen."

"Get disguises. Masks, or just wear a big cloak and pull it over your head. No one will recognise you on that side anyway, but you don't even have to walk in the villages," Jess says, "that's kind of what you do now."

"Yeah, but by the time we go missing they'll probably think we've been kidnapped and so everyone will know what we both look like by then," I frown.

"We'll find a way," she assures me, "just lay low for a while. As long as you have to. In a few months I'll start checking the forest for any signs of you."

I nod, "yeah, but if I don't leave you a note just assume I'm hiding. I promise nothing bad will happen but we need to be sneaky. And make sure no one follows you into the forest when you go. Go at night."

"Well, if I'm being honest I'm not too sad about you leaving," she laughs, "you realise there's a chance you can't stay with him? Not that I don't want you to be happy, but you can't run forever."

I nod, "yeah, I know, and I think he does too."

"Oh well, enjoy your freedom," she winks playfully and pulls me into a hug.

"I'll see you soon, I promise," I tell her.

"Be careful."

I make my way up the hill to the castle, leaving me very out of breath as usual, and run up to Lydia's room. I knock on her door and she invites me in, "Lydia-"

She pulls me into a hug with a worried expression, "what's wrong?"

I then realised that I was crying. I explained everything to her- what happened at the Centre Building, visiting Jessica and what Logan's plans were.

"That's the other side of the Kingdom! Why does he want to live there?" She asks.

I shrug, "it's safest for both of us if we're running away."

"Livvy," she starts to cry too, "I want nothing more than for you to stay with me but I also want you to be happy. I've never seen you so happy since you've been with him and I know that they're so close to finding out. If they do, we would both be in big trouble and neither of us want that."

"Olivia," she grabs me by the shoulders, "I know it's insane to say but- go. Be happy. I will always support your decision and if anything goes wrong I'm always here for you. I'll make sure they never find you. At least let me take you to the forest."

I gently wipe under my eyes, "I'd love that."

Her facial expression changes and she lights up with excitement, "I'll help you pack your stuff!"

I grab a backpack from beside my desk that I barely use and let Lydia help me pack the necessities.

"I still can't believe I'm doing this," I mutter and she sighs.

"Me neither," she shakes her head, "we're crazy, but I see the appeal in running away. You never know, maybe I'll meet a cute guy and do it too," she winks and I laugh.

"Do you think I should say goodbye to Lewis and Liam? I know Theo and Luke aren't exactly on good terms with me at the moment so I won't say much to them, but those two have stood with me since the beginning," I frown.

I knew I would miss those two the most, along with Lydia. I loved Luke and Theo too, but they were angry at me. I still had to give Theo an explanation for that note. Even if I just told him I had some sort of boyfriend they would all be furious, never mind a Dalton.

"Are you crazy? Then they'll know what you're doing!" She says, panicked.

"I won't actually say goodbye, idiot," I slap her hand gently, "but maybe I should go and spend some time with them."

She nods and smiles, "cute. I think that's a good idea, but I feel as if you're dying! Stop talking like that!"

"Sorry," I giggle, "I'll come get you when I leave later tonight."

It was long past dinner time, we had spent so much time down at the wall I barely noticed. It at least meant I could avoid Luke and Theo- I really didn't want to speak to them. I knock on both of their doors but discover their rooms empty. I wander down the halls and find my grandmother.

I smile at her, "have you seen the twins lately?"

She nods, "I believe they're in the library, daring."

I pull her into a quick hug and she raises her eyebrows in surprise, "thank you. I love you."

She quickly mutters an "I love you" back and I race down the halls, eager to spend my last few hours in the castle - for a while, hopefully - with my younger brothers.

"Luke? Liam?" I knock on the library door and find my brothers sitting around a table, heads in hands and looking as if they'd rather be anywhere else than studying. We still had to have an education, of course, and the very best for the royal family.

"Hey, Liv," Lewis looks up and smiles at me and I see Liam do the same, probably just relieved to have some sort of distraction.

Liam motions me to join them and I ask, "what are you guys up to?"

"Uncle Felix wants us to read these," Liam holds up a few books and dramatically sighs.

"Do you want to go and do something instead?" I ask hopefully.

They look at each other, nod and Liam turns to me, "sure."

We stand up and walk outside of the library. I was feeling upset but didn't show it on my face, and enjoyed the time with my brothers outside, playing old sports games and being stupid until very late into the night.

We had only realised the time when we were dragged inside by our angry uncles.

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