Chapter 44 - Blackout

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Olivia POV

"Olivia! Get up! Uncle Felix wants to talk to you!" A loud banging on my door causes my eyes to shoot open. Liam and Lewis had been sent to escort me to the King's office.

My heart stopped. As I imagined, it wasn't just the King who wished to speak with me. I completely avoided eye contact with my twin brother as Felix motioned for me to sit down.

The twins stood beside me in my chair, but the King looked up, "you are excused, boys. She got into this herself, she can deal with it herself."

Sighing, the twins left the room. There was no use in any of us arguing, although I really didn't want them to go. I was surprised that there were only two other bodies in the room. I had imagined my entire family here to watch my trial, but it was only my uncle and my twin.

"Olivia, I would appreciate it if you looked at me," I couldn't tell if he was angry, but I looked up slowly at the older man.

"You know why you're here, you know exactly what you've done," I refrained from rolling my eyes at him. Luke simply stared at me, but I looked anywhere but his eyes.

"What do you think your punishment should be, Olivia?" Felix asked, snapping me out of my daydream.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "why?"

"I want to know how serious you're taking this," I could hear my own heartbeat and I felt a little dizzy.

"Honestly?" I asked, and he nodded, "nothing."

They both inhaled sharply and I quickly spoke, "I've always been loyal and done everything for you! Luke has always been your priority and I've accepted that, but for once I do something for me and you think I should be punished for that?"

"Are you kidding?" Luke laughed without humour.

"No! Maybe if you hadn't kept me locked up for years I wouldn't have ran away! Maybe if I had the freedom to date whoever I wanted I wouldn't have fell for the only man I ever met outside of the stupid castle!"

I continued, despite the other two trying to interrupt, "maybe if this was an open and loving family I would have told you what was going on! But I can't talk to any of you about anything anymore!" I was desperately fighting the tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"I told you she'd try and blame it on us," Luke adds.

"Shut up!" I yell at him, "you don't get to say shit to me!"

"Olivia!" My uncle scolded harshly.

"No! I am sick of this stupid family! He killed Logan, and are you punishing him? No, because he's the favourite, all hail his Royal Highness," I bow in my chair sarcastically, "running away with a Dalton is less of a crime than murder! Running away with him isn't even a crime for the love of Jesu-"


I can tell Luke wants to say something, but his jaw clenched and he stays silent.

"What?" I yell, standing up and putting my face in his, "say something! You're a murderer!"

He doesn't say anything, so I shove his chest with my hands, "say something!"

"That's enough!" My Uncle stands up, grabs my wrist and yanks me away from Luke, although the shove clearly didn't affect him. If it did, I'd know about it. The King whispers something to Luke and he nods, leaving the room.

"I've dealt with Luke," Uncle Felix says as he sits down once again, leaning back into his large chair.

"Don't you realise what he's done?" I cross my arms, once again trying to fight back my tears. I couldn't help thinking about him, "it's murder, Uncle Felix! No matter who he is."

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