Chapter 4 - War

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Olivia POV

My adventures around town were unsuccessful and Violet and I are riding around aimlessly on the edges of the extremely large village.

The Wall.

No, I mustn't.

But of course, I let myself wander over to the direction of the wall and the large woods that run across its borders. It doesn't look too good. Smoke, fire and yelling can be heard in the distance. I squint my eyes to try and get a better view but the sun has almost fully set and I can hardly see.

"What's going on?" I mutter to myself.

Are my uncles alright?

My heart begins to pound at the thought of them all getting hurt. Never coming back. Luke and I aren't ready to lead a kingdom. Well, mainly Luke, but seeing as I'm his twin, Uncle Felix has given me a lot of power over what happens- decision making and other things.

I'll just go a little closer. If something's happening, if they get hurt, and I don't do anything to help I could never forgive myself.

I can hear the destruction clearer than ever now, but my uncles are nowhere in sight. It's not as if these little "disagreements" don't happen often, I've had to persuade my uncles against marching over the wall themselves.

I get closer and closer, feeling my heart ready to jump out of my chest. I knew I was going against everything I had ever been told but I couldn't help it. I approach the edges of the battlefield that had seemed to form and approach a guard wearing a familiar uniform. I jump off my horse.

"Excuse me-"

"Princess! You must leave here immediately!" He says in a panicked tone.

"Yes, I understand but I fear for my uncle's safety," I refuse to leave just yet.

"I assure you, Your Highness, there are all fine. Please, you really should not be here," he shakes his head vigorously.

"That's alright, I'll handle this," Uncle Jeremy puts a hand on the guard's shoulder and he nods.

"Uncle Jeremy I-"

"Listen to me," he cuts me off and bends down slightly to my height, placing his hands on my shoulders, "you shall never have to worry about any of this for a long time. We are okay, and you will be too once you leave. I understand you are curious but you have to trust me."

I nod, "I will. I just want to know what's going on."

"You will. Just not today," he looks around him quickly.

"Come on, it's getting really dark. We'll be back soon," he helps me onto my horse.


"I don't want to hear it, Olivia. Go before Felix or anyone else sees you. You're lucky it was me that found you."

I sigh loudly, which he clearly hears, and turn off in the direction of the castle. Until I am out of his sight, at least. I turn off in the direction of the woods, praying I didn't get told off for nothing.

It's now pitch black, and I can hardly see.

I knew this was a bad idea! I haven't even been out that long and I already can barely see.

I jolt back into reality when Violet slips down some sort of ditch by one of her legs. Luckily I get off quickly and pull her back up before she falls completely.

"I'm not losing you again," I sigh in relief.

"I'm being stupid, aren't I? Coming all the way out here to find someone I barely know in the dark," I stroke her softly, "and I'm talking to a horse."

I lift myself back onto her and we set off again.

I swear we've passed this tree before.

After what felt like hours, we seem to be lost.

Ugh, why Lydia!?

I can't help blame my cousin. I mean, she probably wouldn't have thought this would happen but I'm alone and afraid. Looking for someone I don't even know.

Wait, am I even looking for him anymore or am I just looking for a way home? Yet again, I sigh with frustration at my own stupidity. So, I try the only thing I can at this point.

"Hello?" I call out into the trees. Some birds flutter away from their nests, but apart from that I can't hear anything.

Suddenly, something comes into view.

A... wall? The wall.

I run my hands along its brick surface and imagine how far away from home I am.

"Hey, what are you doing?" A voice hisses. I look around quickly and try to find the source of the voice.

I let out a squeal as something grabs my arm from behind. I quickly open my mouth in shock as I see a large hole in the middle of the wall, big enough for a person to fit through. It looks like something hit it.

I try to adjust my eyes to the light, until I see a familiar blonde-haired boy.

"What are you doing here?" He asks again, louder now.

"I-" I stumble on my words, still in shock, "you're back."

"Yes, I am."

"But why are you on that-" my eyes widen in realisation, "side?"

I stumble back in shock, "I-I can't be speaking to you."

I quickly turn round.

"No! Hey, wait!" he climbs trough the gap in the wall and turns me round to face him.

"No, no, I'm sorry you don't understand," I shake my arm out of his grip and he frowns.

They would kill me if they found out if I was talking to someone from that side. Actual death!

"Listen I'm sorry, I should have told you sooner but I thought it would be nice having someone not know me for once," he smiles slightly.

"What do you mean?" I am more confused that ever.

"What if I told you I was-" he stops.


"If I was royalty?"

I laugh, "but there's only two-"

It took me a moment, but I finally understood what he was saying.

That's when my body went numb and my vision went black.

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