Chapter 34 - More Harm Than Good

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Olivia POV

"You okay?" Logan asks as he takes my hand, helping me over the wall.

"Yeah," I nod, whispering.

"Why are you whispering?" He whispers playfully.

"I don't know," I giggle, readjusting the hood of my coat. I was grateful to have ditched the huge dresses, it made climbing much, much easier. He wraps his arm around my waist and I snuggle into him, partly from the cold and partly from my nerves.

"We'll need to speed up a bit here," Logan tells me as we approach the villages. I nod, pulling away from him and grabbing his hand. I led the way, almost forgetting he didn't know his way around.

It was very dark, both sides had dim street lights but it was still difficult to see. I clutched his hand even tighter to give me the needed extra confidence. I realise I'm holding my breath and let it out slowly. He squeezes my hand and we slowly make our way to Jessica's house.

I knocked on the door as quietly as possible. We wait for a few minutes, and when she doesn't answer I assume she's staying with her parents like I though. I located the plant pot next to her house and rummage through until I find a small golden key.

Logan laughs and I turn around, "what?"

"I feel like we're breaking in," he laughs again as he watches me use the key to unlock the door.

"Well, we're not," I motion him in with my hand and close the door quietly.

"Jess?" I call out, just to make sure. No answer.

"She's definitely out," I confirm.

"Yeah," Logan nods.

I sigh and sit down on her sofa. Logan sits beside me, "what's wrong?"

"I'm already bored," I groan and he laughs.

Lydia POV

"I just don't know how to contact them to tell them," I worried, biting my nails anxiously.

Our family had a quiet Christmas as I had expected. We tried to have as normal of a Christmas as we could but it wasn't the same. No one could quite concentrate. We were all worried and I felt bad making them wait another day. I was the only one who knew where she was and that she was okay.

It was Boxing Day, and I went to see Jessica. I didn't know who else to talk to. She was currently staying at her parents' house for a week or so, as she had told Liv and I a few days before she left so I went straight there to find her.

"Yes, it seems quite difficult," she glances at me with pity, "I'm not sure we can do anything, Lydia."

There is silence and she continues, "if I knew exactly where they were I'd go, really I would, but we don't know where they are. Even worse, if either of us were caught over there it would be bad."

"There must be something we can do," I continue to nibble at my nails.

"You could try and get them to give everyone on that side notice before-hand. They'll probably hear about it that way," she suggests.

Jessica was always a good friend to me, even if she was Olivia's best friend, she was always so nice to me and made me feel so included. It's not that I didn't have friends, but being born and raised in a castle with royalty -unlike Olivia and her brothers- most of my "friends" were snobby brats that were only nice to me because they wanted to get in good with my family.

I had all I needed anyway. Or I did, Olivia was my best friend and Jessica was there for me when I needed it. I viewed them both as almost my big sisters. In fact, Olivia was always the big sister I always wanted. And, believe me, I wanted one. With my mother passing away the only real other female connection I had was my grandmother.

"But they won't," I shake my head, "they didn't want to last time because they think she's been kidnapped. If she was and they gave them notice that would be stupid."

"I guess," she nods, though I can tell she's still unsure.

"So there's really nothing we can do?" I wonder doubtfully.

"I don't think so," she shakes her head.

"Lyd, did they warn the people at all before the searches?"

I pause for a moment, "yeah, but like thirty minutes before. They understood though, seeing the circumstances. They would notice anyone trying to escape the villages. Like I said, if Olivia was kidnapped warning them would be stupid."

"Yeah," she agrees, "so they'll be warned. And they live basically at the edge of the kingdom, they can do it."

"I'll go with them tomorrow," I decide, "I'll make sure they're not caught."

"Good idea," Jessica smiles approvingly, "I would go with you, but I doubt I'd be allowed to cross the wall."

"Yeah, it's kind of a royalty only policy when it comes to that stuff. Even then my family doesn't like going over there and I'm sure the Daltons don't like it either, but I guess it has to be done," I shrug, "also with all that's been happening they've developed some sort of trust issues."

She laughs loudly, "sounds like the royal families to me."

"I just hope dad will let me," I readjust the mug in my hand, "he's been crazy protective since Liv's been gone. Theo did invite me but I'm not sure how he'd react. Normally Theo's the protective one but the roles seemed to have reversed."

It was true, my father barely had me out of his sight. Or, at least as long as I was with a family member or guard he was happy. He was extremely paranoid that I was going to be next, I knew.

Theo and Luke were the same. They all kept Liam, Lewis and I out of most of the family stuff and we weren't often invited to help. The only time was for the searches when Theo asked me to help, but they would have been watching me like a hawk.

I had to be sneaky tomorrow. I had to find Olivia and Logan before they did, "although, I don't know my way around that side which puts me at a disadvantage."

"I just wish we were close to Liv so we could tell her," Jessica frowns.

"Yeah," I nod, "but she's too far away. I'm just going to have to find her before anyone else does."

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