Chapter 29 - Guilty and Alone

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Lydia POV

I woke up feeling guilty, was that the right thing to do? What if they didn't make it? I walked downstairs for breakfast, trying to act normally as not to cause suspicion, although I had to take some deep breaths first. They were going to find out eventually, of course, but I didn't want them knowing I was involved.

"Hey, Lyd," my brother smiles at me as I sit down. He was unusually happy for the morning, probably with the successes of arresting someone involved in the wall bombings.

"Hey," I say and return the smile.

"Where's Liv?" Lewis asks, yet seems uninterested, "she was acting weird yesterday."

My eyes scanned the table- it was only the "kids" here again, minus Olivia.

"She's always weird," Liam rolls his eyes. Luke simply hums in response and Theo doesn't speak. Apparently they were both still uptight with her.

"She's always late for breakfast," I shrug.

Lewis sighs, "I'll go get her then."

It took all my strength not to stop him, but I knew I didn't have a choice. The wait for him to return was torturous. Okay, don't overdo it with the facial expressions, be shocked but not over-dramatic.

"Hey, she's not in her room, do you know where she went Lydia?" Lewis announces loudly as he returns to the large dining hall.

I shake my head, "she's not there?"

He shakes his head no and scrunched up his eyebrows, "where could she be?"

"I'm sure she'll turn up eventually," Theo comments quietly.

"Yeah, but with all that's going on lately her disappearing is a bit of a worry," Lewis frowns. I felt extremely guilty, but happy that I knew where she was.

"She's probably just out a walk," Luke sighs, rubbing his temples, clearly stressed about something, "anyway, I need to go."

"What's wrong?" I ask Lewis as he sits down. He seemed to be the only one awake out of all the boys. I'm sure as the others come to life they'll take Olivia's disappearance more seriously.

"I don't know, I just have a bad feeling. It's not like her to just go out like that," he sighs sadly.

"I'm sure she'll show up soon," I pat his shoulder lightly. He hums in response.

"Oh, hey dad," I smile at my father as he enters the room, hurriedly putting on his coat.

"Have you seen Liv, Uncle Marcus?" Lewis asks.

"She's not here?" He responds and we all shake our heads no, "that's strange."

I can't wait to repeat this conversation eighteen times this morning.

"Who's not here?" I hear my Uncle Leo walk in

"Olivia," we all reply in unison.

"Shame, we needed her today, too," he says disappointedly, "we should probably look for her before Felix finds out. Apparently he's sick of her disappearing so much lately."

My father nods and shoves his hand into his pocket, "yes, I agree."

"Can I help?" I ask hopefully.

Maybe the quicker I helped them look, the quicker I could just go back to my room. They would probably send me there once they realised it was serious, anyway, and lying made me feel ill.

"Lydia, darling, you're needed here. We'll find her soon," my father puts his hands on my shoulders and I sigh in annoyance. Of course he wouldn't want me to help.

"Okay," I say quietly as the two men leave.

"You okay?" My brother asks me quietly as Lewis and Liam rush out the door for some unknown reason to us, "I'm sorry, but you know what Dad's like. He's just looking out for you."

I nod, "sure."

He senses my annoyed tone and steps away, leaving me be, "let me know if you need me, then."

Oh, Livvy, why did I let you leave? I walked around the castle aimlessly for a few hours, bored out of my mind. I eventually stumbled upon my uncle's having a heated conversation in Uncle Felix's office.

"Again?" Uncle Felix roars, causing me to jump.

"She'll show up, Felix," Uncle Jeremy tells him, "she always does."

"No, I am sick and tired of her up and leaving whenever she feels like it! I want her found now, and I swear when she gets back here she's never leaving again," I peer into the room and can see his face beginning to go red with anger.

"Okay, okay," Uncle Jeremy sighs dismissively and walks out of the room as I hide behind the wall, out of sight.

All of that day, my father and uncles were nowhere to be found. I could do nothing but wander around all day, read and daydream to take my mind off of the situation. I hid in my room to avoid them all and it seemed to work. It had been a whole day without Olivia and I knew there would be many, many more.

I eventually fell asleep, and when I woke up the next day I felt even worse. The feelings of regret were beginning to set in. I felt like a part of me was missing and I felt guilty, because I knew what would happen soon.

I get out of bed and get ready slowly. I brush my black hair and heard the usual knock on my door to help me get ready for the day. The maids didn't always come to our rooms, only when it was an important day or if we were needed.

"Lydia, darling are you okay?" My grandmother's soft voice makes me jump in surprise. I had made my way downstairs in a complete daydream and hadn't noticed her standing there.

"Where is everyone?" I ask.

"Oh, didn't you hear?" Her face falls, "Olivia didn't come home last night."

My forehead ceases as I frown deeply, but not for the reasons she would assume, "please, let me know if you hear anything."

That day without Olivia turned into two, then three. It was the third day and I woke up again, although I had barely slept. After that day of talking to my grandmother, everyone realised that this wasn't Olivia just staying out late without telling anyone. They knew she was missing. Again.

Everyone reacted differently, I even noticed myself becoming less and less energetic and I felt empty, guilty and worried. It was awful.

Uncle Felix was furious- he claimed that this was because of some "organisation" and that it was all the Dalton's fault. He shouted at guards for their poor security and not protecting her enough.


"This is the second time!" He yelled, "she could be dead!"

The rest of my uncles and my father were rarely seen, they were out a lot but wouldn't tell us why, though we knew. Luke was a mixture of different emotions. He was frustrated and worried. He blamed himself as I suspected he would and told himself that he had to do something. Theo was cold and he and Luke often disappeared with the others.

Lewis and Liam seemed very low and were also rarely seen but for different reasons as they barely left their rooms. It actually hurt my heart, because I had underestimated how much those two really loved her.

Olivia's disappearance took a toll on all of us. I knew it would, but not this bad. My family were gone. They shut me away and all I could do was hope and pray.

I was completely and utterly alone.

This was a mistake. What have I done?

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