Chapter 47 - Who To Trust?

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Logan POV

The angry twin and I had apparently caused quite a scene, because soon we were overrun with guards and whisked off in opposite directions. Apparently any drama was meant to be avoided as much as possible, a year or so too late for that, Your Majesties.

"Your Highness, I've been assigned to take you somewhere more private for the time being," a taller man with dark hair and eyes approaches from one of the hallways to our right, and gives the other two guards that were escorting me a quick flash of some sort of badge before they nod and leave us alone.

"Alright," I shrug, and begin to follow the mysterious new character along the halls. He doesn't say much, so I decide to make conversation to take my mind off of her, "I forgot to ask your name."

"Antonio, Your Highness," he briefly replies, "I'm one of your father's trusted guards."

"Oh? I've never seen you around," I raise my eyebrows, maybe the King has some secret force he hasn't told me about.

"Yes, well, my job is to be discrete and keep the royal family safe," he replies.

"I see," I nod. A silence follows. Antonio seems distracted, and no other guards seem to acknowledge him. We enter hallway after hallway until the sound of others' voices fades away.

"In here, Your Highness," Antonio opens a door for me and I enter, they must really be trying to contain this to take me so far away, probably had guards on-call for situations just like these.

"How long have we to stay here for?"


I turned around to realise I was alone in the room. Not only that, but the fucker had locked me in. I was enraged - Father had clearly told them to lock me away until everyone else had left, so I didn't see much point in yelling at the guard. The situation was very strange, though. I had never seen this Antonio character before in my life.

I paced around the room, looked out the window, tried the door a couple more times, looked out the window again.

(Antonio working for organisation - give them a name and a leader)

"We have someone else getting him. They should be here soon, Sir," she responds quickly and he nods.

Who are they talking about? I wonder, shivering at the eerie silence.

The doors which I had entered through swing open again and my heart stops.

"Logan?" I gasp.

"Shut up," the woman next to me squeezes my arm painfully.

Logan looks up and his eyes lock with mine. His expression suddenly changes to anger as he realised that I've also been kidnapped. I almost couldn't believe it, but there he was in front of me. Was I hallucinating? Dreaming? Losing all sanity?

He is led to me and quickly pulls me into a hug.

"I'm going to get us out of this, sweetheart, I promise," he whispers into my ear before we're pulled away from each other.

"Enough!" The gold-masked man yells which causes me to jump.

He walks towards us, "one of you might have gotten away before but I can assure you that won't happen again."

"Why are we here?" Logan spits, clearly unaffected by his intimidating stance. I, on the other hand, was standing as far behind Maria as possible.

"First," the man stands inches away from Logan's face, "you two are going to answer a few questions for us."

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