it is over.

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Ming promise i never dared from that night. I only kissed him that night. I wanted to but i acnnit. I want him but i did nit Ming. I did not" Sahrp said crying.

He is insode the room alone, fire is sorrounding him and his clothes smells kerosine but he will noy be burned for it is fake kerosine and anytime soon the fire will burned out and die,

"Ming Forth. I am sorry." He cried loud.

He cried and cried. Untill the fire burned out.

I entered and gave him watet.

"I am sorry" he said,

"It was two damn years ago " he said.

"And i am sorry" he said,

"Tell me the rest of the plan" i said.

"Pring will kidnap Kit and Phana then she will destroy Kit if Phana chooses him. Then she plans to manipulate Phana for Kit's safety." Sharp said.

"Do you not know taht it is not onky Phana that protects Kit now, and Phana is as well protected. Pring is samrt byt she is blinded by and fooled by her damn desire for Phana." I said.

"Sharp sorry i put truth syrum on you." I said,

He looked at me.
"Are you the one they say the mafia?" He asked,

"I wish i am byt i am telling you even i do not jnow who he is" i said.
And smiled.

He get up and hugged me.
Then cried.

"I am sorry, i almost lost a friend" he whispered.
He cried and cried again.

I hugged him.

"I can tell her headquarters." Sharp said,

"No need ne Mung, you need rest. Yiu gave us her adress last night when yij where sleeping.
Youj cannot tell a lie untill tonight." I said.

I guide him out of the room to the dinjing hall ee are in a rest house, Forth's rest house.
The rest are eating.

"I need bath" Sharp said.

"Later mung let us eat first" Forth said,

"No he nedds a bath" i said.

"Peed on my clothes Sharp admitted.

Forth stand. Abd lead him to the guest room.

I sit in fromt of Leam and Thew.

"Did we mess up?" Leama asked.
"Yes big time you admitted to Forth you liked Wayo" i said, "and Theew in your sleep you said you liked Kit" i added.

They looked ta each other.

"Sorry guys we gave you truth syrum" Forth said,

They looked at each other.
"You liked Wayo?"
"You liked Kit?"
They asked each other.

Forth and i looked at each ither and smiled.

"Immiss my wife" Forth said.

I sighed.
Forth tapped my shoulder.

Get my phone Beam texted he is on his way to collee now Wayo picked him ip.

He still reports everything.
This is not his fault.

"But i have to damn end all these before i face Beam again," i said.

Sharp joined us for breakfast.

He cannot face me.

"You are forgiven Sharp, bug you dare for there are no second time damn you" i said.

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