Chapter 1 [✔]

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Fourth Year

I stand in the steam awaiting the Hogwarts Express to arrive. People steer in, out, and around King's Cross Station 9 3/4 either arriving or leaving.

I watch the crowds disperse and gather as people met up with their friends or with their family; saying a final goodbye.

I'm the kind of girl you don't know is there until something big happens to show for me. I had friends of course; it's not like I was a loner like some.

But, I stood in their shadow plotting the perfect plan to rise in the ranks here at Hogwarts. I only arrived last year.

My father had sent me to Beauxbatons school of magic hidden in the mountains of France. I fit in there.

The majesty of the mansion decorated elegantly matched me all too well. The school was different from Hogwarts in all sorts of aspects.

Such as the fact that a consistent smell of lavender filled the corridors easing tension and improving our states of mind.

Ever since my father-Corbin Yaxley- had been offered a position in the Ministry of Magic here in England, I had been forced to attend this school.

Hogwarts isn't that bad really- but, I've never been the highlight of anything, I've never been considered special.

This school was star-struck with the luck of having the boy who lived Harry Potter living within its walls.

But, he didn't know who I was. This year that was going to change.

I grew up quite a bit over the summer since last year, and a feeling deep down inside me told me that this year would be different.

Like I'd finally have a permanent place within Hogwarts.

My friends Astoria Greengrass and Millicent Bulstrode sit in a cabin aboard the train. They saved me a seat beside Astoria.

Gratefully I sit down beside my brunette counterpart. Millicent sat in front of me her once chubby face now thin.

My other friends: Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, and Theodore Nott take a seat in the cabin directly across from us, each waving in turn at us.

I liked Draco, he was an arrogant prick sure-but, he was incredibly smart and funny behind closed doors.

I never understood how such an intelligent person could choose two dimwits such as Crabbe and Goyle to be friends with.

Sure, Blaise was second in all of Slytherin academically, but Theodore Nott?

Well... let's just say he isn't in the top ten.

I ranked the highest in all of Slytherin and second in all of Hogwarts' thousands of students.

Next to that damn Hermione Granger.

That fuzzy-haired, crooked teethed mudblood spent more time in the library than the librarian herself.

One day I'd surpass her, maybe not in academics but certainly in something.

"Y/N!" Astoria says snapping her fingers.

My gaze shifts towards her.

"What were you thinking about?" She asks me.

"Just about how annoying that mudblood is," I shrug pushing locks of hair out of my face.

"Oh...well I asked you something," she says annoyed.

"What was it?" I ask her lazily.

"I was asking if you saw the dress robe requirement for this year?"

I nod remembering the revision for this year's lessons.

"I saw it but I'm getting my dress robes in Hogsmeade," I say.

My father had sent me twice the amount of money to buy dress robes. Even though each year I have multiple galleons left over from the school year.

"I wonder what they're for, has your father said anything?" Millicent asks me.

I look out the compartment door seeing that Draco and his goons had left their compartment only Blaise and Theodore remaining.

"No, he never has time for me. But, possibly Draco knows," I tell her-her eager expression disappearing.

A sound of shattering glass echoes outside of our cabin, familiar laughter covering the sound as it drew nearer.

Draco peels his head inside our compartment, his white-blonde hair falling just above his eyebrows.

"Man, I cannot actually wait for whatever the dress robes are for, Weaslbee is going to be humiliated, his look as though they barely survived the 1890s," he says. "I doubt Potters and Grangers will be much better."

At that, he laughs.

I laugh musically, his smile turning towards me. His grey eyes roam once over me before saying:

"Well, well there Y/N-you've grown since last year haven't you?"

Ducking out of Astoria, Millicent, and I's cabin he goes back to his own.

Astoria and Millicent squeal as their compartment door shut Draco winked at me through the window.

"He totally fancies you!" Millicent says. I roll my eyes at my excited friends.

"Nonsense, wasn't he with Pansy last year?" I ask them.

"'Pugface' Parkinson? They broke up!" Astoria says excitedly clapping her hands together.

"Did they really?" I murmur.

It's not that I really cared about who he dates, it's just that I don't want to be the other woman.

Astoria and Millicent spend the entirety of the train ride-save for a break for Pumpkin Pasties- gossiping and giggling about how Draco liked me.

Funny now that I think about it- they didn't even ask for my opinion on any of the matters involving Draco and me.

When we finally arrive at the gates lined by winged boars gloomy darkness awaited us thunder and lightning promising a downpour for the nighttime.

We all step out of the train dragging our trunks behind us, I go first and the others follow.

Draco and his friends and I group back together once we were outside.

We all waited in line for the Threstral drawn carriages looking even more skeletal in the darkness the only light radiating from a lantern being held by the oaf of a teacher-Hagrid.

Their eyes were black and empty reminding people about death whenever they saw them.

Threstrals were something you only saw when you had seen death. Within the new batch of first years, you could identify who had experienced death due to the terrified looks on their faces.

The first years followed the light leading them to the Black Lake their faces falling further as they noticed waves rippling on the sides of the boats.

I laugh quietly to myself knowing that I would have hated to be them this year.

The first of September was always unpredictable regardless of where in the globe you were as it was just switching between seasons.

I see the Gryffindors standing huddled closely together as a Carriage opened to take them.

The girl called Hermione Granger swiveled her head around almost as if she knew my eyes were on her.

Her gaze pauses on me, her great brown eyes were inquisitive as if debating something.

Making a decision she smiles teeth straight and white, so perfect they made me think twice about whether this was Hermione Granger.

I have never been actually introduced to her before, nor had I ever wanted to be.

All I could think about at this very moment was:

Why the hell did that mudblood smile at me?

Word Count: 1113

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