Chapter 37 [✔]

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The day before we left the school for the end of the year I received a letter.

I was sitting at my table at lunch and a large white owl raced towards me dropping a letter onto the plate in front of me.

Rolling my eyes at the owl who then flew out of the window with a sort of attitude that told me that it didn't want to deliver a letter to me.

The letter was clean despite it landing in syrup.

Tearing open the envelope I pull out a short letter and hold it up so that I can read the faint calligraphy.

"Astronomy Tower-Midnight-Make sure no one follows you."

Make sure no one follows me?

There wasn't even a signature at the bottom of the paper, nothing to signify who wrote this letter but I was curious.

Even though I knew it wasn't a smart idea to go somewhere to meet up with someone I had no idea was going to be and to not tell anyone where I was going.

But I was going to do it anyway.

Sure enough, the clock struck twelve and I was on my way to the Astronomy tower checking every so often to see if someone was following me, but again, no one was.

My feet pad lightly against the cold stone steps, the sound of rain softly hitting the window panes lighting in the distance creating a beautiful supernova behind and above the forbidden forest.

A girl was waiting by the edge, her hands gripping the railing tightly, her bushy brown hair was braided down her back while she wore a yellow flowy dress.

She seemed awfully out of place amidst the darkness, but regardless I was not expecting this girl to be the one who was waiting for me.

"Hey aren't you that one girl who mistook me for someone else a few weeks ago?" I asked as I approached her as a zookeeper would an injured animal.

"Yeah...That was me..." She laughed melodically as she walked closer to me.

"I don't understand, I already told you that I wasn't that person-yet you asked me to come tonight under pretenses," I say sitting down on the stone bench in front of the planetarium.

"I didn't lead you here under pretenses because I never said who I was so therefore I was not lying," She corrected me softly.

Although I suppose she was trying to be helpful I couldn't help but be annoyed at the fact that she just corrected me.

"Alright, then Miss. Granger, why am I here?" I asked her raising an eyebrow as I stared at her in her brown eyes.

There was something about those eyes-like I've stared into them a hundred times before but I simply cannot recall when that was.

But there was something else.

That smile she wears, a sweet, small but genuine smile that I'm sure boys went wild for-but felt so familiar.

"You're going to think I'm crazy, but I can assure you I am not crazy," She starts.

When you're trying to convince someone of not being something that is a terrible way to start.

"Okay? And..." I prod.

"You know me," She says simply.

"Yeah from a few weeks ago-what are you trying at there Granger?"

"No-I don't mean from a few weeks ago, I mean you've known me ever since we got put into double potions together in 4th year," she says.

"Do I? I feel like I'd remember that," I sneer.

She sighs exasperatedly as if she was trying to hold herself back and be patient with me.

Like I was a kid who just spilled paint all over someone's prized painting and they were trying not to strangle me.

"You also know me from the Yule Ball when we met up in the Astronomy Tower, you were wearing a red and gold dress and I was wearing a purple dress," She continues. "That was the night that Draco discovered that you were cheating on him."

"I'm sorry what? I broke up with Draco not because I cheated on him but because we were better off as friends! And I do not remember meeting you up here the night of the Yule Ball, yes it was the night I broke up with him but I never cheated on him," I defend myself, I had no idea where all of this was coming from but I knew it had nothing to do with me.

"You were cheating on him with someone you said you loved that night, it was the first time that you said it to that person," She says closing her eyes.

"Alright, Miss. Know. It.All, then who was that person that I was cheating on him with if you have so much knowledge of Draco and I's relationship," I cross my arms and glared at this girl.

Who exactly did she think that she was going around telling me what happened in my life?

"You were cheating on him with me...."

This struck me like lighting-her? A girl? A Gryffindor?

She has got to be kidding me, she must be mistaking me for whoever and is being stubborn with the fact that she doesn't want to admit that I am not who she thinks I am.

"Are you bloody kidding me? That's the best you've come up with? You? I cheated on the guy I was dating with you? I think that someone needs to put you in St.Mungos because you are nutty," I laughed uncrossing my arms and standing up.

"You don't remember when we were in Switzerland at the ski resort when you proposed to me you said that you wanted to marry me one day and you gave me a promise ring? This one?" She holds up a gold and diamond ring in the starlight.

It was beautiful I had to admit, but I had no idea where it came from because it surely couldn't have been me, I mean that seems too rushed why would I even think to propose when I was fifteen years old that just doesn't make any sense.

Besides she's a girl.

And a Gryffindor.

Without a warning, she shoved it into my hand with no context about why she did.

"C'mon Y/N remember me please," She begged me her eyes filling up with tears.

"Look I'm sorry but I don't know you," I said softly.

"Let me...let me try one more thing?"

The desperation in her eyes made me feel soft and I couldn't say no to her.

With hesitance, I nodded my head at the girl.

Her eyes met my lips before she dove into a kiss.

She kissed me so passionately that it made me almost want to be whoever she was thinking I am.

But then I pushed her off.

"Look I don't remember anything alright Hermione, I don't know you and I am not the person you think I am and I am truly sorry," I say wiping my lips of the vanilla.

She then collapses as if her whole world was crumbling down, I didn't know why but I hated seeing her like this, I didn't know her.

I don't owe her anything.


But now as the tears stream down her face, I feel overwhelmed with emotion and know that I had to get out of there.

"I am sorry," I called to her before leaving her alone in the Astronomy tower.

I had made it to the dungeon when I realized that I still had the ring she had shoved into my hand trying to make me remember.

But, it was too late now to give it back she should have already left the Astronomy tower.

Perhaps I'll send it in a letter over the summer...that is if they do not get intercepted.

I had a feeling that this summer I would be in for one emotional rollercoaster.

Word Count: 1403
A/N: Omg I'm sorry it took me this long to publish but like I swear its been on my mind forever but like I am just so overwhelmed with school and a person...anyways CP and AP classes suck asscracks and can go die somewhere but I guess they're good for me or whatever but yeah.

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