Chapter 2 [✔]

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I sit by Astoria at the feast, Gryffindors house banners fluttered with an artificial breeze as if to taunt every other house saying:

You should have done better.

Maybe next time.

It was so painfully antagonizing, the Slytherin house took the lead last year for the whole term until the last month of school.

When the so-called golden trio earned nearly fifty points each for what?

I don't know I didn't care enough to pay attention to whatever miraculous deeds they completed now.

Professor Dumbledore welcomed the first years with open arms.

Each of them looked excited yet terrified of the legendary sorting hat that was perched on a stool singing a song welcoming the first years teaching them the meaning of each house.

Their destiny and life were promised and confirmed as soon as they put that hat on and they were sorted into their permanent house.

No second chances or second guesses this was it.

Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor.

Each of the components that made them who they have fit the habitants of each house.

The kind, naive sense of hope of the Hufflepuffs.

The intelligent, calm nature of the Ravenclaws.

The brave and boisterous personalities of the Gryffindors.

And the ambitious, sneaky leadership of us Slytherins.

We all had our traits, it was our job to make the best of them and not ruin the reputation of our houses in turn.

I clapped alongside the Slytherins when we received a new member of our house.

Dumbledore clapped as well as the final first year was sorted into Hufflepuff.

Everyone turned their attention to their plates expectantly.

"Two words- Tuck in!" Dumbledore announces leaving to his chair beside Professor McGonagall and Professor Sintera.

Immediately with these two words, a magnificent feast appears before us, the house-elves cooking everything imaginable to appease all walks of life.

I helped myself to some Shepard's pie and iced pumpkin juice, the rumble of my stomach eagerly nudging me to hurry up and eat.

"I can't wait for him to tell us- why- we need dress robes-," Millicent says through bites of food.

I look down upon one of the girls I call my friends as she sprayed food all over.

"Millicent that's revolting-don't talk with your mouth full," I say having swallowed my food washing it down with pumpkin juice.

"I couldn't even understand what you said," Astoria added eating her own steak and kidney pudding.

Millicent glared at us looking down at her food shovelling yet another spoonful into her mouth.

I glance at Astoria who rolls her eyes before turning her attention to the deserts that have appeared before us.

My food vanishes from my plate and I grab a helping of apple cobbler and a chocolate tart.

We had fine deserts at Beauxbatons as France was the pastry capital of the world we were expected to have delicious food.

Girls, in particular, got treated nicely when they were on their periods, we were all sent gift baskets filled with freshly made chocolate from the local village as well as feminine products.

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