Chapter 20 [✔]

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I sit at my desk alongside a Gryffindor whom I have never met inside of the newly updated Defense against the Dark Arts classroom; a new teacher means a new curriculum, not a single steady learning module within the three years that I have been here.

I have my wand out as well as the book that had a sticker on the front of it stating that it was ministry approved curriculum and that it was an award winner for the safest instructions for the most dangerous subject taught.

I twirl my wand carelessly in between my fingers the tip shooting out golden sparks that don't do any harm to anyone around me.

Suddenly, the door to the office opens and the new DADA teacher comes tumbling down the stairs looking as if she had a thousand books weighing her shoulders-to be honest if I had a bright pink cardigan like the one she was wearing I highly doubt I'd look much different from the expression she had on her face.

"Good Afternoon children," She smiles sickly sweetly.

"Now you say good afternoon Professor Umbridge..." she taunts us.

"Good Afternoon Professor Umbridge," we all mumble under our breaths annoyed by the woman who had the nerve to interrupt Professor Dumbledore at the beginning of the year feast.

"No, no now that won't work how about we try that again-Good afternoon children."

"Good afternoon Professor Umbridge," we all say with false enthusiasm to appease her.

Accepting the bullshit that we gave her she smiles and waves her stubby little hand at us speaking with such a condescending tone that I want to smack the smug little expression on her face off.

"Wands away."

I glare at the woman we would be calling our teacher before placing my rosewood wand carefully and lovingly into its designated pocket inside of my bookbag before turning my attention to the board which now had instructions written on it in curly calligraphy that makes my vision dizzy.

"You may open your books to the first chapter and start reading-there will be no need for talking."

I slowly open my book before seeing a movement in front of my eyes.

I see Hermione raise her hand in front of me.

"Yes, Miss..."

"Granger ma'am," Hermione says.

"What is your question? Miss. Granger?" Umbridge asks.

"It's more of a statement but I think that there is something with your learning objectives," She says pointing to the board. "There is nothing on there about practical use."

"There is no need for practical use in this class," Umbridge says looking away.

I roll my eyes and turn back to my book knowing this wasn't going to go anywhere good.

This was the daily problem for the next few weeks until I hear this; from an all too familiar and annoying voice that I hate dearly.

"Professor I have a question..."

I look to my side and see Pansy Parkinson raising her hand.

"Yes, Miss. Parkinson," Umbridge says sweetly.

"What is your opinion on two girls dating or 'loving' each other?" She asks cheekily. "Not that this has anything to do with me, of course."

"Of course, well...two girls together is sin and therefore that means that it is wrong-not to point out the obvious that a girl and another girl cannot get married under the ministry, a boy and a girl belong together not a girl and a girl or a boy and a boy- it is forbidden."

Pansy 'Pugface' Parkinson glances at me a smirk on her face as she nods sitting down; as she had felt that her question was important to make herself a statement piece.

I raise my hand for the first time in four weeks to argue with a teacher for the first time ever.

"Ah, Miss. Yaxley," She sighs as if she was going to finally receive a question that she liked.

"I think you are wrong," I say simply standing up.

Everyone stares at me-a kid who has never spoken up in class either to ask a question or to argue with a teacher.

"Why is that?" She asks crossing her arms.

"I love women and it isn't a so-called sin or a bad thing because you know what? You love who you love and there is nothing to do about that-also just because you haven't had your mommy milkers squeezed in over a century-or maybe ever-that doesn't mean that you can be such an uptight bitch and you may or may not want to take that stick out of your ass and realize what you're doing to the kids who love women-because it is not a crime," I say in one breath.

I sigh and listen to the sounds of laughter as Umbridge turns a vivid red as she struggles to write something with her stubby little fingers that make me debate if they are even actually hands or instead if they were prosthetics that were serving as a disguise for the goblin that is in underneath.

"You will report to your head of house immediately and I expect to see you for detention every night of this week," She growls.

"Alright Umbridge," I grin flipping her off as I walked out of the room the sound of Umbridge trying to calm the class down after I left.


"You told her to take the stick out of her ass...and that she hadn't had her-sorry- quote 'mommy milkers' squeezed," Snape read out loud stumbling when he gets to certain parts of the note as if he wanted to laugh but didn't want to seem like he was condoning my behavior.

"Look... it's only been around five weeks that she has been here but no one here likes her and that includes me...and all I can say without being direct is that I will not take away any house points because although what you did was unacceptable it doesn't seem like she is that offended by what you said, since she only gave you a week's worth of detention," He says to me.

"I'm sorry Professor, I wasn't having the greatest day, and when 'Pugface' I mean Pansy asked a question that would get my attention-,"

"No...Y/N I understand what you mean..."

I stare at the usually serene teacher collapse into his chair sighing.


"Uh? It's alright?" I answer him.

"I've had such an absurd year working with the order-bloody brilliant I just talked to a student about that," He shakes his greasy head and stands up peering at me.

"Now...Yaxley you will not say anything otherwise I will talk to your father about your little 'girlfriend'," he growls, a sneer on his face.

Great, the normal Snape was back.

I nod and am dismissed away from his office and back to the common room to get ready for Transfiguration which is the only class I was looking forward to for the rest of the day because at least then I wouldn't have to deal with Umbridge.

Word Count:1225

A/N: Hey guys sorry if this chapter sucked but Ill make it up in the next chapter-I was so fucking tired and also guys im messed up in the head because i think im in love... anyways byes.

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