Chapter 4 [✔]

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I sit down at breakfast just as the owl post had swarmed into the Great Hall.

Draco sat next to me receiving multiple packages.

"From my mum," he told me.

A particularly large and peculiar owl flew into the hall.

It looked like the exact opposite of my own animal, it had white feathers and vivid yellow eyes that locked with mine as it dropped a letter onto the table in front of me.

My name was beautifully written on the crisp vanilla paper, I opened the paper slowly and carefully to not tear the edges.

Inside was a letter written with the same calligraphy that was stenciled onto the outside.

Dear Y/N,
I was wondering if perhaps you'd like to join me in the library to study and get to know each other better?
I know you'll have your reservations but... Maybe you could push them aside and help end the rivalry between our two houses.

"What house are we a rival with?" I ask Draco.

"Gryffindor," he answers.

It's really a stupid thing. Our houses believe that we are better than one another.
Yet, we can't bother to come together in times when we need each other.
This is why we should be the first to start an inter-house revolution
Sincerely, Hermione Granger.

I conclude reading the letter scoffing to myself about her ridiculous preposition; me a pure-blood study with a mudblood?

But... This will be a perfect time to bring her off her pedestal and take my rightful place at the top of the academic pyramid.

She can take second place-I don't mind.

I smile to myself, folding the letter, placing it into the envelope tucking it safely away in my robes.

"Who was that letter from?" Draco asks me.

"Oh-just a friend from Beauxbatons-I'll write her later," I say smiling at him.

He nods turning back to his food.

Glancing at the Gryffindor table where Hermione sat talking animatedly to Harry and Ron.

She peers every once in a while at the table I'm at, her face stopping on me.

I feel my cheeks heat up, embarrassed for being caught staring at her, quickly I turn my eyes away looking instead at Astoria who was talking with Blaise.

Breakfast concludes and I leave the hall with Draco, who tells me he tried to get transferred into advanced potions but Professor Snape told him it was too late in the year.

We are stopped by Hermione who looks at me inquisitively;
"Do you have an answer?" She asked me.

"I-," I am about to say something when Draco pushes me behind him.

"Get away from her you filthy mudblood she's way too pristine to be anywhere near the likes of you," he growls.

"Malfoy!" I hear Harry say walking over with his redheaded Weasley friend.

"Potter," Draco practically spits out.

"Leave her alone," Ron growls.

"I would if she didn't talk to my girlfriend here," he says his arm around my waist.

My eyes widened staring at him.

Since when was I his girlfriend?

I agreed to go with him to Hogsmeade but, the first Hogsmeade trip was weeks away.

"What happened with Parkinson? Did you just get tired of dating a pug?" Harry asks tilting his head.

"She was better than dating a mudblood squirrel! How're the teeth there Granger? I bet it's real easy to brush them when you can't fully close your mouth," Draco laughs, Crabbe and Goyle snickering behind us.

Hermione's irises shine dangerously with tears that were threatening to tip out of her eyes.

Harry and Ron stand on either side of Hermione glaring at Draco as they drag her away.

When they leave I turn to Draco who has a triumphant expression on his face.

"So since when have we been dating?" I ask him.

"Well...I've been meaning to ask, but I dunno it kinda slipped out," he says one hand on the back of his neck looking incredibly nervous.

"Well...I accept," I smile kissing his cheek before walking away feeling butterflies from inside my stomach as I made my way to Divination.

I hear whistles from behind me coming from fellow Slytherins and some of his Ravenclaw friends that had just come out of the Great Hall.


The day consisted of Draco meeting me before classes and after walking with me everywhere like he was my personal bodyguard.

I've earned more death stares than I have good marks in the whole eight hours of being Draco Malfoy's girlfriend.

Now I've escaped the annoying questions of everyone in the common room and I sit in my dorm watching the fish swim beneath Black Lake them swimming towards me curious about the light emitting from my window.

A blank piece of paper sits in front of me, my quill motionless waiting for me to dip it into ink and begin writing a letter.

But, for the first time, I couldn't figure out how to word my letter.

My mind was as blank as the sheet of parchment in front of me.

And I couldn't figure out why.

All of a sudden I decide it'd be best to write a crappy letter rather than no letter at all.

Dear Granger,

If we are to study together then you are to tell no one- I mean no one, not the Weasel or the so-called chosen one.
If you want to study together then meet me in the back section of the library tomorrow at 4:00 pm. No later and no earlier.
-Y/N Yaxley

I wait until midnight to leave my dorm grateful that there wasn't anyone in the common room.

I leave the common room casting a silencing spell on my shoes as I ran up the stairs searching for any teachers.

I don't see anyone so I continue my journey to the Owlery on the other side of the castle.

My owl Theodosia sits on her usual perch beside the gorgeous white snow owl that delivered my letter from Hermione.

I motion to my black feathered companion and she shook her head waking herself up.

Flying down to me She nudges her head on my arm asking me to pet her.

I rub her feathers for a bit before tying my letter to her outstretched arm.

"Take this to Hermione Granger," I say.

My owl being as intelligent as it is gives me an almost concerned look on her face.

I smile and rub her feathers again reassuring her.

"Remember Hermione Granger-" I say again as she flies off smacking her wing softly against my shoulder.

Word Count:1049

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