Chapter 10 [✔]

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When I get back to the common room I see Harry being congratulated by the whole house.

Although he looks extremely comfortable Dean Thomas ties a Gryffindor banner tightly around him.

I roll my eyes and head up the staircase to the girl's dorm.

I needed to wait for Harry to get alone so I could ask him if I could borrow his invisibility cloak-to amazingly sneak out at midnight.

I change into a simple nightgown, blue and I wash my face in the bathroom off to the side of the room.

Tossing my mess of hair into a bun and I sit on my bed drawing the crimson curtains closed so the other girls don't bother me.

I curl into a ball grabbing my wand and potions notebook.

"Lumos," I whisper, the tip of my wand lighting up.

I page through the notebook reading over my notes while observing the drawings Y/N had done for me.

I hear outside my curtain, the girls giggling about the boys they had danced with at the celebration party.

Once I hear the metal rings sliding against the metal of their beds, I quietly open my curtain and leave my dorm room walking down the stairs of the red and gold decorated hall.

The boy's dorm is quiet as I step into the fourth-year room.

I see their curtains were drawn which usually would make it hard for me to know which one was Harry's.

Luckily I know the difference between him and Ron-he doesn't have a favorite Quidditch team and Ron, he likes the Chudley Cannons.

The picture lining his wall was another indication, pictures of Ron, him, and I as well as his parents waved down to me.

I shake Harry gently awake.

"Hermione?" He whispers, fumbling for his glasses.

"What're you doing here?" He sighs groggily.

"I need to borrow the invisibility cloak," I whisper back.

"Why what for?" He groans swinging his legs off the side of his bed.

"I need to go to the library," I say.

Standing up he walks slowly yawning to his trunk situated at the end of his bed.

He dug around inside the trunk until he found what he was looking for.

Pulling out the invisibility cloak he hands it to me.

Without another word, he climbed back into bed shutting his curtain.

I sigh throwing the cloak over me leaving the boy's dormitory.

The common room is empty and littered with trash that the poor house-elves are going to have to clean up.

The only sound coming from the fire crackling softly in the Hearst.

I swing open the fat lady's portrait and step out of the Gryffindor tower.

She was fast asleep in her painting, I knew that I was going to have to wake her up when I come back.

I walk hidden under the invisibility cloak through the empty halls, I can only hope that Professor Moody doesn't have patrolling duty tonight.

It takes me about ten minutes to get to the other side of the castle where the Astronomy tower was located.

The Ravenclaw prefects were prowling the halls, talking while completely oblivious that I was there.

I watch them round a corner before heading up the stairs leading into the Astronomy tower.

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