Chapter 8 [✔]

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The other schools were given a tour of the castle while we left them to get ready in the Great Hall.

Hogwarts was different, the decorations were different instead of the five Gryffindor banners showing they won the house cup each banner represented a different house.

All except for the largest one representing each house with the Hogwarts emblem.

I sit beside Astoria and Millicent in the Great Hall watching them hastily straighten themselves out when the doors open.

Madam Maxine and the Drumstrang headmaster come in first walking with their heads held high as they walked to the teacher's table which had been lengthened.

"Here he comes~" Astoria giggles as the Drumstrang students came in.

"Get ahold of yourself," I roll my eyes as Viktor Krum walked in leading the way to our table.

"Oh my goodness-he's coming this way," she murmurs breathlessly.

She was right they were coming in this direction, and they took their seats at the end of our table.

Krum sits down last beside Draco.

I glance at them before looking back towards the door where the Beauxbaton students were beginning to pile in heads held higher than Madam Maxine.

They sit down at the Ravenclaw table, I notice Fleur glancing around her eyes finding me.

She gives me a curt nod before turning back to her fellow classmates.

I play with my fork listening to Krums and Draco's conversation.

"-Yeah I'm the best seeker here at Hogwarts, when I can I want to join the Bulgarian Quidditch team. I'm already drafted for a training camp this summer," Draco was saying.

"Vell ve only accept ze very best players, you must ve very good," Krum replies.

"Well, my girlfriend here can vouch for me," Draco says looking at me.

I raise my head looking at both of them.

"Yeah-Yeah he's good at Quidditch," I nod, even though I don't really know the difference between a good player and a sucky one.

"You haff a very beautiful girlfriend," Krum says to Draco smiling at me.

I blush appreciatively at his compliment before turning my gaze to the back of Hermione's head.

"Yes...I got very lucky thank you," Draco says fine changing completely going from boastful to possessive.

He placed a hand on mine squeezing it rather harshly.

Fortunately, the rest of his conversation is drowned out by the sound of the double oak doors opening.

A large pedestal is being wheeled into the front.

Professor Dumbledore whispers an incantation to the stone, once he spoke it the stone peeled away revealing a large goblet engraved with runes and symbols.

A blazing fire appears inside- a vivid, eerie blue that is shown all around the dim hall.

Two men from the ministry walked up to the podium- one named Ludo Bagman and the other Bartimus Crouch.

They begin to explain the rules regarding the goblet- which I tune out since I can't even enter the competition.

The feast appears with a large range of delights from all over.

I see a French delicacy called Bouillabaisse, it was a seafood stew that I simply adored.

I ladle some of the stew onto my plate as well as some Shepard's pie.

"French food is absolutely disgusting," Draco gags trying some of the Bouillabaisse.

I glare at him feeling extremely offended.

"I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that..." I say simply.

"What?! You actually like that...stew?" He asks me.

"Yes I do, why don't you shut it and eat your disgusting liver?" I growl feeling threatened.

He looks taken aback, he turns away from me and back to his plate filled with English dishes.

We don't speak for the rest of the dinner, instead, he spends his time talking to Krum.


I fall asleep surrounded by my comforter, the feathers still warm from the heating pans.

Rarely do I have dreams and even more rarely do I remember my dreams.

But tonight was different.

I'm sitting in the sunflower field that sits beside Hogsmeade village.

The same one where I sat laughing with Draco as we people watched.

But, instead of Draco sits Hermione.

She's staring at me as if she was waiting for me to hurry up and realize something.

And I do.

I look down and see my hand was on top of Hermione's, she doesn't make any move to remove her hand.

But neither was I.

I jerk my hand away.

"You don't love him Y/N~," she says her voice echoing as if we were in an empty but large room.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," I say looking away from her condescending gaze.

I've never felt this pressured to leave or act in my life yet I couldn't move.

It was like that same invisible force that made me feel like I didn't want to kiss Draco was forcing me to stay here and listen to whatever Hermione had to say.

"You're going to lose me Y/N...if you don't act quick enough," her voice was tantalizingly cheerful.

"I'm not losing anything related to you and even if I did I wouldn't care," I growl although I feel like that wasn't what I really needed to say.

"Don't lie Y/N, you can feel it deep down inside no matter how buried it is," she sings.

"I'm not! You're a mudblood!" I say feeling extremely frustrated.

"The clock is ticking..." she says at last.

I hear a small tick-tock sound booming inside of my head that was growing increasingly louder and louder every second.

Hermione turns to me head lolling side to side her voice copying the sound even more tantalizing than the clock itself.

"Stop...stop that sound!" I beg. I toss and turn my head trying to shake the noise out of my head, pleading for it to stop.

"Y/N-Y/N!" I feel myself being shaken awake. I open my eyes wide at whoever had the nerve to shake me awake.

Astoria stands her hands on my shoulders her form ruffled, and her hair flies down into my face.

"What were you dreaming about? You were yelling in your sleep 'stop that!'" She asks me.

"I-it was nothing," I say sitting up.

"Just go back to your dorm."

"Thanks Astoria-by the way," I say as she leaves.

She paused nodding at me before heading out of my room and closing my door.

What was I dreaming about?

Hermione...I can't like her...

I mean she's a mudblood as well as a girl.

I can not like her.

And I don' I?

Word Count: 1019

Mudblood//Hermione GrangerWhere stories live. Discover now