Chapter 23 [✔]

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Hermione P.O.V

"...will you marry me?" Her words ring in my ear.

I nod vigorously and hug her tightly, tears streaking down my face.

"Wait-it isn't legal..." I point out.

"Then we don't have to do it under the law..." She answers me with a smile.

"What if my parents don't approve?"

"Then we will have each other," She smiles eyes pleading with mine.

"Think about day we will retire in the countryside in our little German cottage with our garden where we can dance and paint and kiss all of the time without the heavy eye of the condescending public."

I envision what she paints out, but, will we make it another thirty years to accomplish that?

I certainly hope so...

"Okay, I do," I nod and kiss her.

She takes the box and pulls out the ring, a golden band with three diamonds adorning it, an engraving onto the inside of the band that says; 'my Juliet".

"One day we will make it out of this, Hermione...I promise."


Y/N and I arrived back at Hogwarts, not together instead we arrived separately; her alone and me with Harry and the Weasleys.

I wear the ring that she gave me on my ring finger on my right hand, the day we marry each other, it will be moved to my left have her forever close to my heart.

We act normally just as we had before the winter holidays so that nobody suspects anything.

People still don't believe Harry...about what had happened in the cemetery-at least, not most people.

Ever since the Triwizard Tournament, I've kept Rita Skeeters secret about being an animagus, and now because of that, she owes me a favor, regardless of if she isn't with the Daily Prophet anymore she is still a journalist and a relatively believable one at that.

Harry and I meet her in the Three Broomsticks to allow Harry to tell the truth, to tell the whole Wizarding world about what had happened with

Once Harry gives me the okay, I leave the pub and walk to the castle, Y/N told me that she was tutoring some other Slytherins in the library for the O.W.L.S, I knew better than to walk into a snake den no matter how many of them were my friends.

We hadn't met up in the Astronomy Tower, with either one of us way too busy for some time alone with each other.

We had D.A meetings about every other night; Umbridge changes out prefect schedules so that we would never have prefect duty together: a new curfew was set in place-8:00 pm- so we couldn't meet in the library for long and Y/N just seems way too tired for me to ask her to lose a night of sleep to hang out.

Within a week the Quibbler had come out with the article interview with Harry, Rita Skeeter didn't add any rubbish about herself at the beginning, instead, she stuck with the story that Harry gave her.

On the second page, there was a list of the names of the deatheaters that were in the graveyard.





And then I see it.

Corban Yaxley.

Y/Ns father was on the list of names that showcased who was in the graveyard at the time that You-Know-Who was there alongside Cedric Diggory's dead body.

I continue to read on and realize that Skeeter couldn't resist putting her input.

"One of the two champions; Y/N Yaxley is the daughter of Corban Yaxley who works in the Justice Department of the Ministry of Magic.

When You-Know-Who first came about Corban Yaxley was one of his original, most devoted followers-is it just a coincidence that his daughter happened to be in the graveyard the night You-Know-Who returned?

I think not!

Well, folks, I will let you interpret that on your own!"

Of course, that cow had to put her input somehow, regardless of what our agreements were, I growl myself and reread over the part that she screwed up.

"Did you know about this?" A copy of the Quibbler was thrown onto the plate in front of me and I look up to see a very, very furious Y/N standing with Malfoy and his goons.

Ron took this opportunity to lean over his steak and kidney pie and say.

"She was the one who planned it," he almost smirks.

"Oh shut it, Weaslebee," Malfoy growled.

"You planned this? Do you know what this does to us? To me? I am now a walking, living, breathing target that people will shoot at! Not to mention this will be hanging over me for the rest of my life! What do you think is the first thing people will imagine after reading this huh? They're going to assume that I'm a death eater or that I was the one who killed Cedric bloody Diggory! But you don't care because you're on the 'good' side of things, your parents are muggles-they won't be harmed!"

She stands there amidst the silence of the Great Hall her face red and mad, her hair hanging loosely down her face as she stares at me.

"You know what Hermione Granger?"

She pauses and waits for me to respond.

"What...?" I whisper.

She takes this opportunity to lean in close and whisper just as I had.

"We. Are. Over," Her breath tickles tauntingly on the lobe of my ear as she pulled away face emotionless.

Beckoning to the boy she left for me they leave the Great Hall.


Word Count: 1030

A/N: I want to know about the upcoming chapters because things are bout to get interesting? I think man I have so much wrong with me that I have no idea if you think what I think is interesting is interesting-if that makes sense...anywaysssss.

What do you guys prefer?




And if it is a tie then I will automatically pick the one that I find more endearing...anyways


Also, imma post like three chapters today if I can...?

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