Chapter 36 [✔]

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Hermione P.O.V

We arrived back at the school just as spring began, the winter holidays concluded and the end of the year was just around the corner.

I was a little bit uneasy because of the way the holiday break started but, I don't think that there was anything that I could have done differently.

She tends to think irrationally when her emotions are taking control, I love that about her but sometimes it can be too much.

Y/N was something else... I couldn't ever turn my feelings off for her.

Harry and Ron walk with me now in the middle of the hallway. They were talking about what they had gotten for Christmas, such a juvenile thing that we can talk about until we can't.

I was zoning out thinking of when I could speak to Y/N for whatever reason so that I could explain what had happened and hopefully apologize.

"Hermione-" I hear my name being called and when I turn I see Harry and Ron looking down at me.

"What is it?" I ask almost annoyed that they broke me out of my 'trance'.

"We were asking what class you have," Harry says.

"Oh-I have Potions," I say shrugging.

I didn't add 'with Y/N' although I wanted to.

"Well we have to go to Divination...we'll see you at lunch right?" Harry says.

I nod and turn the corner down the hall to where the staircase leading into the dungeons was.

In the middle of the dungeon hall, I see Y/N standing alone reading something on a piece of paper.

She doesn't even look up when I step into the corridor.

I cough and try to get her attention.

Finally, She looks up with a raised eyebrow and an annoyed look on her face.

"Do you need something?" She asks rather coldly.

"I think we need to talk," I say.

"About...?" Y/N stands up straight.

"What happened over the break," I tell her casually.

"And what exactly happened to you that makes you think you need to talk to me about it?" She asks rather unamused.

"What do you mean? The fight that we had, that's what I'm talking about!" I say starting to get angry. "Don't pretend like it never happened!"

"Listen, lady, I have no clue what you're talking about, you're probably mistaking me for some other girl but I never saw you over break and I have never seen you before in my life, so don't get mad at me for something that happened with your little girlfriend, because there is no way that I would associate myself with a Gryffindor," She argues.

She's never seen me before in her life...

"What...what is your name?" I already know the impossible answer.

"Y/N Yaxley," She says skeptically.

"You don't know who...I am...?" I ask her softly.

"No I don't, who are you?" She asks, squinting her eyes at me.

"Hermione Granger..."

"Yeah-sorry can't say that I know you," She shrugs and turns away from me walking into the classroom beside her.

Feeling crushed I lower my head and walk into the classroom after her.


Throughout the whole class, I glanced at her as she laughed with other Slytherins, her hand going to a chain around her neck every once in a while.

My attention peaks when it looks like someone asked about what was on the chain.

She took the chain out of her robes and held it up, on it was a silver and green ring, the silver and emerald ring that I bought her as a sort of promise ring as she did me.

"I have no idea where it came from, but I know it's really important to me for some reason..." I hear her say. "It's like a piece of my memory is foggy and I can't see through the fog..."

A foggy memory? Did she somehow corrupt her memory either on purpose or on accident, if so was there anything that I could do to make her remember me?

I was thinking so hard on the subject that I hadn't noticed that my potion had boiled over.

"Crap!" I exclaimed and immediately grabbed my wand and siphoned the mess up.

I didn't notice that she had been looking at me the entirety of the time that I was cleaning up my mess.

About five weeks later I had finished my N.E.W.T.S and was finishing up the last week of school.

I was sitting in the library researching memory charms and potions when I reached a section on redacting the memory charm or potion.

"It may seem impossible, but even the strongest memory disfigurations can be reversed, maybe not completely but enough to a point that that person will be able to remember certain-important-things.

To start your going to need a familiar environment, somewhere that the person can feel comfortable in"

I wrote down on my piece of parchment- Astronomy Tower.

"Next you're going to need something from that memory-or set of memories, such as a piece of clothing, jewelry, a letter-"

The ring she bought me.

"Third you're going to need to be with someone else from that memory-or again set of memories, it helps to have the person directly associated with the memory but if not get someone who might have been a background character-"

"Me..." I say out loud continuing to read the instructions.

"For the final thing you need to do is explain the memory to them and reach deep within to beg them to remember the memory, now the chances of this working is a 1 in a thousand chance. But, as I stated is not impossible, just highly unlikely."

I've tried everything that I could think of, I'd sit with her in potions only for her to move away, I've asked her to study but she always said no.

I had a warning feeling that she didn't go into this willingly, her actions are that of someone who wants to break free.

Maybe I was imagining the resilience inside of her but I knew her too much to know that she would never configure her memory despite how painful it was to her.

Shakily I closed the book and stood up shoving it into my bag, slowly I made my way back to the Gryffindor tower, where I sat down at the desk in the room I shared with Lavender and Parvati.

The parchment that I had put out sat in my hand motionless, the white paper begging me to write something on it.

I knew what I had to write but I didn't know how to write it...It scared me in every way that something could go so wrong.

But...I was going to do it anyway.

Word Count:1190

A/N: Sorry for the cliffhanger, but I've been really tired and really busy so I've just been lazy and not wanting to do anything- homecoming is coming up(I might post a picture of me in my dress idk but we will see lol.

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