Chapter 3 [✔]

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I tell Astoria and Millicent about Snape's ridiculous mistake of placing me a pure-blood Slytherin from the Yaxley family with a mudblood like her.

"That's absurd! She didn't touch you did she?" Astoria asks me.

I shake my head.

"You really think that I'd be here and not drowning myself in the showers?"

I roll my eyes.

"I need to talk to Snape about it."

"For Merlin's sake I thought for sure he'd place you with another Slytherin and not with some mudblood Gryffindor," Millicent growls.

"Who was placed with a mudblood Gryffindor?"

Draco Malfoy takes a seat across from me his eyes locking with mine.

"I did-I take advanced potions and I was placed with that Granger mudblood," I scoff shaking my head vigorously my hair falling in my face.

"You have that with Snape?" He asks me.

I nod.

"That's idiotic how he didn't place you with someone better," he says, eyebrows furrowing.

"Yeah, that's what I said," Millicent agreed.

"What if I could transfer into your class?" Draco asks me smiling.

"That'd be nice but you don't need to," I say.

"I can deal with her, don't go through all of that trouble for me."

"I need to talk to Snape anyway, so it's no problem-really," Draco assures me.

"Are you sure?" I ask feeling guilty for whatever reason.

"Yeah...I'm sure," he smiles.

"Well then...what can I do to repay you?" I ask him.

"You can accompany me to Hogsmeade on a date," he smirks triumphantly.

Shocked no words come out of my mouth instead I stare gaping at him until I compose myself.

"Alright...I'd love that..."

Hermione P.O.V

The common room is empty, the fire blazing red releasing an extraordinary heat.

I sit on the couch a paper and quill in hand as I think of what I want to write.

I wanted to see if the girl from potions would like to study, I'd love to know more about her because she was from Beauxbatons.

Another magic school-they must have an entirely different way they teach its students.

I mean they're French but their school is unplottable and isn't on any existing maps.

Such a fascinating subject to learn more about, and perhaps they didn't have house-elves as they do here.

Maybe we could become friends.

When I had told Harry and Ron about it they had just shaken their heads and disagreed.

"You can't Hermione she's a Slytherin a snake and you know who else is a snake? Malfoy he's a snake and he's an ass so she's probably going to be too," Ron had said.

"Not to mention she's a works with her father and he's a total wanker and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree right?"

I sigh remembering his words. Although he may be right...I prayed he was wrong.

Perhaps I'm being naive in thinking, that not all Slytherins are the same but maybe...just maybe I was right.

I come to the decision of what to write in the letter hoping that whatever I write will make her see the good in studying together.

Logically thinking there was only around a twenty percent chance that she'd accept considering I'm a Gryffindor and she's a Slytherin.

I wait till morning to send off the letter so I could ask Harry to borrow Hedwig.

"Hey, Harry!" I call catching up to him in the hallway.

"Hey Hermione," He says slowing down.

"I was wondering could I borrow Hedwig to send off a letter?" I ask him.

"Sure...can I ask who it's to?"

"Just a friend..." I say simply hoping he wouldn't ask me anything further about who it was.

"Oh alright, she just got back last night with a letter from Sirius so she should be in the Owlery," he says.

"Thanks, Harry! Bye Ron!" I say seeing the redhead come walking down the stairs to where we were standing.

I start running to the Owlery my letter in one hand with my robes in the other to prevent me from tripping.

I pass by the great hall seeing Y/N enter the hall a small glance at me as I rushed by her.

I smiled and continued.

I run up the stairs to the Owlery almost wishing o still had the time turner.

The owl I was searching for was perched beside a large black owl with piercing green eyes.

I reach for Hedwig and tie my letter around her foot.

I have never used Hedwig personally before I always used the school owls but I wanted to make an impression.

"Take this letter to Y/N Yaxley," I say nudging my hand on Hedwig.

Nipping affectionately at me she hoots and flies off to the Great Hall.

The owl that was beside her watches me carefully, more carefully than it had been when I entered the Owlery.

There was something greatly intimidating about this owl, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was.

Shaking off the eerie feeling I smile at the owl and take off for breakfast-when Y/N would be receiving my letter.

Word count: 796

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