Chapter 30 [✔]

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Hermione P.O.V

As soon as Y/N fled the potions classroom I hurriedly raised my hand toward Professor Slughorn.

"Yes, Miss. Granger," He says sighing.

"Is it okay if I follow her?" I ask him.

He nods motioning to the door.

"Thank you!" I say turning away from him my eyes stopping on Draco Malfoy who slightly shakes his head, his eyes wide.

I understood the message plain and clear that he didn't want me to go follow her, but I didn't listen to him and instead went my way to her.

I find her in the bathroom, her breathing was heavy and stunted as she coughed up her lunch into the toilet.

"Y/N...?" I say cautiously.

"Hermione....I've fucked bad-d," she shudders rocking back and forth her arms around her legs. "And most of all when you find out you're going to fucking hate me and I don't know if I can live with that."

"What is so bad is that you are so determined to keep it from me, and no matter what it is I'm sure you have a reason for it and I can understand that alright I love you unconditionally, I promise," I say sitting down beside her.

"If I tell must promise that you will never-ever tell your friends, not Harry and not Ronald...alright please I'm begging you with everything that I have do not tell anyone," She says grabbing onto my hand her eyes staring desperately into my own.

"I promise. Y/N you should know that I won't tell anyone, I love you too much for that regardless of what it is," I plead with her looking into her beautiful eyes that I fell into the first day that I locked eyes with her.

"Alright...fine I'll tell you but just...remember something..."

"Whatever you want Y/N!" I say smiling slightly.

"Remember that I never wanted this...alright?" She says shaking.

I nod despite my confusion.

Slowly her right arm reaches over to her left, her fingers pausing on the hem of her robes, my heart already drops as I have a feeling within the pit of my stomach that tells me exactly what it might be...

With a hurtful glimpse at the solid black mark on her left forearm.

A skull and snake, the mark of a death eater.

"You're a death eater," I say rather emotionlessly.

"Hermione. Hermione...please listen to me...they would have killed me and my father if I hadn't joined...that's why I've been so cold to you...I don't want you to get hurt please Hermione say something-tell me that everything is going to be okay or that you love me unconditionally...please you promised me..." She pleads with me her eyes streaming with tears her face crushed.

"I...I need time to think," I say standing up.

"Please...don't leave me, Hermione!" She begs me.

"I-this changes everything Y/N, you're a bloody death eater...I would have chosen death if I were you..." I growl with such an intensity that it surprises even me.

"You what-you...want me to die....instead of saving my hate you..." She says so quietly. "You said you'd be there for only minutes ago promise me that you loved me unconditionally...get out."

"What?" I say almost confused even though she had a sure reason to throw me out of the bathroom stall.

"Get out!" She shouts standing up and pushing me out of the stall before closing it and locking it.

"Please Y/N I-I didn't mean that...please open the door let's talk about this," I plead after realizing my mistake.

"NO! You want time to think don't you? Well, you can get out and get your time to think while leaving me alone because you know what you might get your other wish, I might die with this bloody mark don't you realize that? I will die..." She murmurs the last part, a loud bang on the bathroom stall as her fist collided with the wood.

Over and over the fist collided with the wall until I hear her cry out and crumple to the ground her breaths heaving and her tears choked up by dehydration.

"I'm sorry Y/N..." I say.

"No, you're not. For once you finally told me something that I agree with a hundred percent you know...I wish that I was dead...I hate this stupid burns every hour of the day, I can't sleep because my nightmares are filled with images of you dying and I can't do anything...anything at all," She whispers.

"Do you know what it's like? I live in constant fear that I will have to do something so horrific that it will literally kill me, you don't understand anything Hermione keep living in that perfect little bubble of having the protection of the golden child Harry Potter and your stupid little redhead who doesn't realize that I'm not out to get him like Draco don't get it, you never will," She says growling through the stall door.

"As much as I care about you...I hope that karma comes back and bites you in the ass Hermione...especially after what you just said to me..."

I stand up tears that I had no idea was there streaming down my cheeks as I decided to bid her farewell.

"Y/N Yaxley...I love you with all of my heart and you being a death eater does change so much because you have no idea what I'm going through either that doesn't make it right alright and I hope that one day we can move past this, just remember the cottage on the countryside, keep that in mind..."

I say and turn around seeing the door, but I stop midway when I hear her say this.

"I love you matter what..." Because I believe she didn't want me to hear this I do not reply and instead continue my way out of the bathroom and back to the classroom where Harry was being awarded the liquid luck.

Bloody hell had I really spent that long in the bathroom?

But now that her secrets were revealed to me...I didn't care...

Word Count:974

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