Chapter 35 [✔]

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Eventually, I had to leave Diagon Alley.

And when I did I knew that I had to go to my home-my family manor.

I apparated into the living room the darkness invading my vision, a single candle flickering in the chandelier. It was sad to see how deteriorated this room was.

I sighed, opening the door out to the corridor where lights were leading to the dining room.

I set down my bag on the first step of the staircase and started walking down the hall towards the slightly opened door a wave of ghostly light emerged from the room.

Opening the door I step into the dining room, the only people in there being my father and Draco Malfoy.

It was so close to July, only a couple of months away, then I could finally be 17 and the trace of a minor will be taken off of me. When I could have the choice of leaving my home forever- blend in among muggles.

But, I was never going to do that unless Hermione was with me-and I just ruined that with her, I overreacted-wait no I didn't.

She was right about us being on different sides of the war and there wasn't anything that we could do to change that. And with those words, she lost me. And I lost her.

"What are you doing here Malfoy?" I asked Draco as I walked closer to my father and friend.

"We were worried about you, your father asked me to come here to help him find you," He said so quietly.

"Really? You were...worried? Was that the only reason you are here?"

"Y/N seriously, yes that's the only reason he's here, You didn't answer any of the letters I sent you, you never told me where you were, I was waiting for you here at the beginning of winter break."

"Why? It's not like you have ever done that before," I rolled my eyes.

"Can I not change my ways?"

"No. It's too late for that...Father..."

With that, I left the room despite their pleas for me to come back. I knew that wasn't the only reason why Draco was here, there had to be an ulterior motive, my father would never willingly come to find me or someone close to me. I bet it was an order from You-Know-Who.

I walk into my room and the first thing that I see is a large snake-the snake that follows Voldemort everywhere.

Within a second the door behind me is closed and I am pushed towards a chair.

Sitting down I see the man who is playing puppeteer.

Voldemort gave me a false smile as he paced the room.

"My lord, what is it?" I ask him.

"You. You are a problem." He says so casually.

"Why's that, my lord?" I ask, my voice shaking as he stops in front of me, his red eyes never leaving my own eyes.

"Your little pet mudblood..."

When he says this my breath hitches because I know exactly who he was talking about: Hermione.

"I'm done with her, my lord!" I say trying to reassure him.

"My dear you believe that love can be vanquished with the simple words of you are done with her?" He chuckles.

"I cut her off a long time ago, I do not hold any love for her any longer," I lie through my teeth.

Voldemort observes me, after what seems like forever he backs away from me standing up straight.

"I cannot have her ruining your you will take this," He says pulling out a vial from inside of his robes.

"W-what is that?"

"Don't worry it won't kill you, it will just erase your memories of her," he chuckled.

"Believe me if I wanted you dead you would be. You're too useful to be destroyed."

"What happens if I don't take that?"

I ask him, terrified of his answer.

"You will will your father and your dear friend Draco as well as his family," Voldemort says waving his hand as if it was so easy.

"When you drink this you will pass out and when you wake up you will be back at Hogwarts," He smiles coldly.

I think of the alternative- death...I'd rather die than forget Hermione...but I don't want my father or Draco and his family to die...

What would Hermione do?

She'd drink it...she wouldn't want Harry or Ron to die, not to mention Ron's whole family.

This is crueler than torture...but I supposed that was his goal.

I knew it wasn't going to ever happen- I was never going to get that happy ending that they got in the fairytale.

We were never going to run away together and have a good life...even if we made it out of this alive.

Even if we did make it out...would she forgive me for all of the horrible things that I had done to her...none of that matters now though...I wasn't going to have to think of those things.

Feeling hatred for myself.

For the promises that I had made to her.

For all of the nights that I spent alone without her in that room at the Leaky Cauldron...

I nod and grab the potion.

Unstopping the stopper I smell it, it smells like her...old books and tea...

I plug my nose to stop myself from not drinking it and down the potion in one gulp.

Memories flash by as if they were being sucked out of my mental files and into an abyss.

The fight at her London flat.

The Switzerland ski resort.

Our first time.

The Yule Ball.

Our first kiss...

I struggle to hold on. I try so hard to hold onto that one last memory- I try to reassemble the memory of our first kiss when...when I realized that I loved her...

Her smile and inquisitive brown eyes...Hermione Granger...

My mudblood.

And with that final attempt to remember the love of my life everything goes dark... and cold.

Word Count: 1093

A/U: Alright well... that was sad to write and I am "excited" for the next few chapters.

I'm thinking maybe...5 more chapters but IDK we will see because I suck at updating besides I started another story for whatever reason. I know smart of me right? Lol no...but yeah... Thank yall for the 12.5k reassess I love all of You

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