Aokigahara... Crossing the Veil

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Sarah lay for a long time staring up at the ceiling as she thought about the adventure they would be having the next day.  She was not sure why she had such a strong impression that they had to go there and had been consumed with the idea.  She couldn't believe how eager Klaudia was to go but considering her gift, perhaps being in such a death seeped location was a pull for her.  She had confided once that she was able sometimes to help those that had lingered behind on to the afterlife.  It would be like sweet, compassionate Klaudia to want to do that for the tortured souls that had taken their own lives.

She closed her eyes, deciding that tonight she was going to try to Shift again.  The comfort of having her two best friends in the room gave her some ease in letting go.  She had been trying off and on for a year, since she had heard of Shifting, to go to the Leaf village for a break from the real world.  She had ached badly to go and just have a talk with Kakashi as her marriage became more and more unbearable.  She knew it was supposed to just be lucid dreaming but some people claimed that it was actually breaking into one of many multiverses.  Whatever the case, she had been trying for a year and had yet to shift.  She was coming to the point that she thought it might all just be bullshit but yet here she was, closing her eyes and trying one of the many methods she had read about.

Perhaps being in Japan would aide in the effort.

Sarah cleared her mind, only thinking about the desire to shift to the Naruto universe and into the home of Kakashi Hatake.  Her breathing slowed as she focused more and more.  It was soft at first but she started to hear what sounded like rain falling and an occasional rumble of thunder.  She then heard what sounded like footsteps moving around followed by a heavy sigh.  The footsteps sounded like they turned and then stopped abruptly.

"Who are you?"

Sarah opened her eyes and was stunned as she was looking right at Kakashi Hatake.  It was unlike any dream she had ever had before and she almost did a little jump in her excitement.  She had finally shifted!  She sat up and smiled at him.

"Hello, I'm Sarah.  It's nice to finally meet you."

He stared at her with a look of shock.  "Where did you come from?"

"My world," she grinned.  "Don't worry, this is just a dream."

He tilted his head to the side, "A dream huh?  How can you be so certain.  This feels very real to me.  In fact, I was just thinking I wish it would stop raining."

Sarah turned her eyes to the window, watching the rain falling in thick sheets.  "Oh yeah... being stuck inside can be a pain sometimes."  She then looked back at him and smiled big, "Like I said, I have been trying forever to shift here so that I could meet you."

Kakashi blinked and beneath his mask she thought she saw a whisper of a smile, "You wanted to meet me?  Why?"

"You're my favorite person," she said with a grin.  "I absolutely adore you.  You're the only person I want to meet."

Kakashi laughed at the words, "Now I know this is a dream."

Sarah swung her legs over the side of his bed before standing.  "Can I give you a hug?"

"W-w-what?  You want to give me a hug?"  His face above the mask turned red.

"Yes, very much," she responded while shifting on her feet.

"I s-suppose that would be okay..."

He made a slight grunt as she threw her arms around him and held him tight.  Sarah could smell a spicy cologne and her insides went to mush.  Even more so when he awkwardly hugged her back.  He chuckled softly, "You smell like a cookie."

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