Odd One Out

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Sarah woke up with a foot firmly planted in the middle of her back and pushing her almost off the bed.  She scowled and looked over her shoulder.  The bed was narrow and the three of them had just had enough room to squeeze on the night before.  It was a good thing none of them were that big or someone would have ended up on the floor.  As it was, Sarah was almost on the floor.  Somehow, Melissa had curled up into a ball and turned sideways.  Her head was resting on Klaudia's stomach while her feet were shoved into Sarah's back.

That's it, I'm buying a floor mat as soon as I get a job! She thought as she scowled.  Klaudia looked quite cozy with Melissa on her belly, even had her arm draped across her.  Sarah groaned and rolled the little distance out of the bed to go to the shared bathroom at the end of the hallway.  She felt gritty and tired, more worn out than she had even from her flight to Japan.  She would have loved to have a change of clothes and take a long bath.  She was certain she had a layer of dirt on her from the mad flight through the woods.

She pulled the wallet out of her back pocket after relieving her bladder and walking back to their room.  They had used surprisingly not very much when paying for the room for a month.  She wished she understood the money better.  They were going to have to go get a couple changes of clothes and basic toiletries.  She glanced up and for a moment, her eyes pulled a fast one on her. She thought for a second she saw Kakashi leaning against the wall with his book in hand but when she blinked he was gone.  No one could move that fast. She rubbed her eyes and shook her head.  Wishful thinking, no doubt.  She still wasn't sure what she would do if she saw him in person.  She had to avoid him for obvious reasons that much she was sure of.

First, he was the most confirmed celibate bachelor in the entire Leaf Village.  She couldn't even hope to get banged by the man on a fling.  Second, she would no doubt make a complete ass of herself.  She had always been super clumsy when around a guy she found attractive - one time even falling into a trash can!  Third, even if number 1 and number 2 were not factors, she didn't stand a chance with someone like him.  He was in a class all his own and she only had to look in the mirror to see she didn't measure up.... and if going after how her now ex-husband had gotten with her, she wasn't one that inspired passion.  So there was no benefit to her to meet him and it was better for her heart to avoid him like the plague.  Not that she couldn't admire from a distance if she did happen to see him.

Sarah smiled slightly as she put her hand on the door handle.  At least Klaudia would get her chance to shoot her shot.  The way Konahamaru had kept looking at her said enough that he was interested in her.  That made her smile.  She really hoped they would hook up permanently.  Klaudia was such a sweet, gentle woman she deserved someone like him.  He'd be the kind of guy that would defend, protect, and cherish her all their lives.

She was about to turn the handle when the strange sensation of being watched fell over her. She looked up and down the hallway but didn't see anyone.  She frowned slightly then dropped her hand.  She should go get them all something to eat since the girls were still sleeping and she was not.  There wasn't much else she could do until they woke up.  Maybe she could find them each something new to wear too for the day.  She nodded her head and then raked her fingers through her hair.  She dug in her pocket and found the hair tie she had been wearing yesterday and quickly pulled her hair up into a messy bun.  That should be good enough for an early morning run around the village.

Sarah could not shake the feeling that she was being watched and it was starting to creep her out as she walked down the street.  She glanced around again and frowned.  There were already a lot of people out and about.  If someone was watching her, she'd never know who.  She rubbed the back of her neck and groaned.  What if it was an ANBU?  What if their arrival was considered suspicious already and they were tailing her to see what she was about?  She scowled, she wasn't doing anything wrong.  Stop being paranoid, Sarah.

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