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Sarah winced inwardly at the words.  She had to catch her breath before she could speak, her heart was still racing from the terror of the run.  As she looked around, she suddenly realized that they had obviously gotten very far away from the path in their flight from whatever that creature had been.

"I might just let you," she finally said.  "Fuck... we got way off the path."

Melissa made an almost strangled sound before burying her face in her hands.  She then looked at Klaudia, "Did that thing follow us?"

Klaudia closed her eyes, focusing on the energies rolling around her.  After a long moment, she opened her eyes.  "No... it's actually kind of strange... the energy here feels very different than the energy where we had been.  It's almost... peaceful?"

"I know I kinda got us in a bind..." Melissa scowled at Sarah, "but the moss on the trees show that North is that direction.  I remember that from Girl Scouts."

Klaudia laughed softly, "Oh, so we're not completely lost."

"We came in from the South so if we head in the opposite direction, we should be able to find our way out of here," Sarah finished.

Melissa gave her a dark look then laughed softly, "Well you've redeemed yourself.  I'm still going to kick your ass later, though."

Sarah laughed before starting to walk in the opposite direction of the side the moss was growing on.  The three of them walked forever and the sunlight was getting fainter and fainter.  The three had stopped talking all together as their anxiety grew more the longer they walked.  How far off the path did they get?

A collective sigh of relief went through the group as the trees finally parted and they found themselves in an open field with a river rolling through it.  Melissa shifted her eyes to the right and was amazed by the large waterfall that was not that far from their location.  Somehow, it looked vaguely familiar but she could not imagine where she had seen it.  The sun was riding low on the horizon, just barely reaching over the tops of the trees on the other side of the large clearing.

"Well... we at least got out of the forest but... where the hell are we?" Melissa spoke aloud the thoughts going through all their minds.

Klaudia looked around then narrowed her eyes slightly, "Hey there is a path closer to the river.  Maybe if we follow it, we'll at least get to where other people are at and can find our way back."

Melissa gave a nod, "Sounds logical.  Boy, what a story we're going to have to tell!"  She went over to Sarah and slung an arm around her shoulders, "Well I'll say one thing, you do keep things interesting."

Sarah laughed, "Forgive me?"

"Of course," Melissa responded.  "I can't stay mad at you.  Even when you get crazy ideas in your head."

"Oh hey, lets get a selfie together y'all," Sarah said with a grin. She fished her phone out of her pocket and flipped on the camera.  The other two crowded in and she snapped the photo.  "We'll always remember this one as the time we barely escaped a monster."

Sarah started to close the screen then stopped.  She stared at the device for a long time with a perplexed look on her face.  She blinked a couple of times then started flipping through the device with an almost panicked look on her face.

"What's wrong?" Klaudia asked her.

"The phone... it's not saying I'm roaming... nothing.  I had paid for service while over here and it's acting like we fell into a black hole," she said as she looked up.  "See for yourselves."

Both women looked at the phone and paled.

"Something strange happened back in that forest," Klaudia said as she looked back to the trees behind them.  "Even when you are out of the country, the phones still show up at least as roaming unless you are so far away from any kind of life it can't read it.  Japan isn't big enough for that to happen."

A Shift Between DimensionsWhere stories live. Discover now