Destruction Won't Stop Us

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Kakashi left Sarah at the apartment sleeping, which had been untouched in the destruction.  He had even gone a step further to use his chakra to put her into an even deeper sleep than she already had been in.  He was heading to Naruto and it felt like he was about to cut his own arm off or rip out his heart.   It did not take him long to find Naruto as he was carefully assessing the damage.  He was surprised to see Sasuke with him.  He had been out of the village so long that it was always a shock when he did make an appearance.

"Kakashi Sensei, I thought you'd be with Sarah," Naruto said.  "I heard she was injured."

"She's sleeping now," Kakashi responded.  "Any idea what happened here today?"

Naruto shifted his eyes to Sasuke before saying, "Sasuke says that this was a direct attack by a group he has been tracking.  He wants to put together a team to track them and take them out before they come back to the leaf."

"I'll join him," Kakashi said, pushing past the lump in his throat.

Naruto's eyes widened, "But Kakashi, what about-"

"It's over," he said sharper than he intended.

Naruto was obviously shocked by the words and narrowed his eyes.  "What happened?"

"That's none of your business," Kakashi responded.  "I need some time away and if I can take out the ones that did all this, then I'm ready to go."

"Kakashi..." Naruto said.  "You'll be gone a very long time.  This isn't a short mission.  I think whatever has gone wrong with Sarah you should take time to-"

Kakashi narrowed his eyes, unwilling to say another word and the look stopped Naruto.  He then shifted his eyes to Sasuke, "When are we leaving?"

"Just before dawn, we will meet at Naruto's office for departure."

Kakashi gave a nod then turned away from them.  His heart was hurting so bad inside his chest as he went home and only got worse as he walked into their apartment.  The memories there were so sweet and as he shifted his eyes to Sarah laying on the bed.  It was going to break her heart, he knew it was but it was for her safety.  He never should have brought her under his shroud of death.  He quietly packed all of the gear he would need in the morning and tucked them back where she wouldn't see them.

Sarah woke with a start and sat up.  Kakashi was sitting on the side of the bed, his head in his hands.  The sensation of emotions were gone now, whatever that had been.  He looked like he was in a dilemma.  Her mind went back to the guilt and blame he had been shouldering.

She sat up and wrapped her arms around him, kissing the side of his neck.  "Kakashi... please don't do this to yourself.  You're not to blame, even if we hadn't been together I probably would have been there and possibly have died even...  You're not to blame for the bad things that happen in your life you-"

Kakashi turned and pulled her tight against him, his mouth coming down on hers and shutting off her words.  Sarah would never forget that night as the way he made love to her was different than all the times before and filled with emotion.  His movements were gentle and slow, as if he was memorizing everything about her.  She was stunned as she saw tears in his eyes one of the times they came together.  Again and again he reached for her until exhaustion finally overtook her as he held her tightly in his arms.

The next morning she woke alone, a heavy silence filled the apartment.  Her stomach was churning that morning as well and she had to make a dash for the bathroom.  She barely made it to the toilet before losing what little contents she had.  She groaned, it must have been all that had happened the day before.  She sat leaning against the toilet for a long time before the nausea passed.

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