Just So You Know

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Kakashi was a little annoyed as he sat back watching Sarah.  After the wedding, she had started talking with Naruto and... had been there for the last hour.  It was as if he didn't even exist.  He was more than ready to drag her home.  The minute he saw her in that dress he had become uncomfortable in his own pants.  He was still a bit miffed at Melissa for putting her in that thing because it showed way more than he wanted anyone else to see.  It didn't help that Yamato was there sending him dark looks and making it rather obvious that he was watching her.  Almost as if he was daring him to say something.  He didn't realize Yamato was such close friends with Konahamaru but apparently they had gone on a mission together and bonded.

He shifted his glance back to Sarah, who was being rather animated with Naruto at that point.  He was probably going to have to drag her out of there.  They both seemed to be rather wound up at that point and it didn't look like it was going to stop anytime soon.  He could only imagine they were talking about her world and the show that had starred him.  He shifted his glance back to his friend and knew he needed to clear the air with him.  He didn't really want to but he didn't have much of a choice at this point since Yamato was pushing the button.  If he wanted to salvage his friendship, he had to deal with him now.

He shoved his hands into his pockets and started towards him.  Yamato gave him a glower as he approached.  Kakashi came to a stop not far from him.  "I thought I should apologize again for my rudeness this morning. I wasn't really myself."

"I'd say," Yamato said with narrowed eyes.  "I heard what you said, Kakashi."

Kakashi felt his cheeks warm a bit and he put his hand on the back of his neck in embarrassment.  "About that-"

"I honestly don't care what you said to me.  I'm upset with you for the way you talked to her and how you manhandled her.  For the love of God, you had the poor girl crying so bad she looked like someone beat her up when you both came back out."

Kakashi stiffened, "Don't lecture me about how I deal with Sarah.  If you knew what she had put me through..."

"I don't blame her whatever she did if you've been like this with her often," Yamato cut in. "From what I've observed, she's a soft hearted woman so if she has been difficult it's most likely been your fault."

"How I am with Sarah is none of your business, Yamato.  For god's sake, you only just met her and by the way, I don't appreciate the way you've been watching her.  She's my woman and I've laid claim to her.  All you have to do is look at her neck to see the mark I left on her."

Yamato leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms in front of him.  His brows were raised and he chuckled, "Wow.  I wonder what she'd think of that bit of words.  Sounds more like a possession than a girlfriend.  I never thought you'd be like that if you ever did find a woman you wanted."

Kakashi narrowed his eyes on him but didn't want to say anything for a moment.  He had to admit that the way he felt about her was a bit over the top.  He wasn't sure what it was about her that made him feel so out of control.

"Just so you know, if you blow it with her, I'm going to be chasing after her... and I won't treat her like she's a piece of property," Yamato said as he stood.  "Treat her right, Kakashi, or you will lose her."

Kakashi was not happy with those words at all, it set him on edge.  He clinched and un-clinched his hands at his side.  If he wasn't his friend... 

Sarah chose that moment to come over to him.  She smiled up at him then cast a smile at Yamato.  "Oh hi, Yamato.  Did you enjoy the books you got?"

He gave her a warm smile, "Yes, they're just what I was looking for."

"Are you working on a new project?" she asked.  "You make some of the most interesting things with that Jutsu of yours."

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