What Have I Gotten Myself Into

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Sarah was so relaxed and satiated that she was drifting off to sleep.  She had never been loved on like Kakashi had loved on her.  She was laying partly on her stomach with her head turned towards his feet.  She smiled slightly as she remembered their last romp in the sheets in which they had parted on opposite sides of the bed.  She had taken some dominance with him, which had been quite erotic in itself to have him at her mercy.  She yawned and was almost asleep when abruptly she felt a sharp smack on her ass.  She jumped and turned to look at him like he had lost his mind.

"What the hell?" she howled.

Kakashi had been laying there staring at the ceiling, his body feeling the most relaxed it had been ever in his life.  He could hear Sarah's breathing starting to even out as she was most likely about to fall asleep.  He couldn't blame her, he didn't know it was possible to make love that many times in a row.  However... he then remembered her antics over the last few days and he started getting angry again as he thought about the death defying antics she had pulled to avoid him.  He sat up and his eyes narrowed on her nearly sleeping form before he did what he had said he was going to do, he swatted her hard.

"Just because we are lovers doesn't mean I'm not still angry with you," he said while narrowing his eyes on her. Sarah glared at him before grabbing one of the pillows and throwing it at his head.  He swatted it away and returned her glare.  "What the hell were you thinking jumping across rooftops and climbing down on that tiny ledge?  You are NOT a Shinobi!  Do you realize you could have been killed?"

"Fuck are you kidding me?" she scowled at him.  "Are you fucking kidding me now?"

Kakashi leaned forward as he narrowed his eyes, "No, I'm not kidding.  Do you have any idea what went through my mind when I realized just how far you went to avoid me?  That you had taken your life in your hand for something as foolish as pride?"

Sarah gaped at him before swinging her legs over the side of the bed.  Oh, she was not going to put up with that bit of nonsense.  No, no, no.  She gave a shriek when he swatted her again then grabbed her before she could get away from him to flip her over his knee.  He wouldn't!  Another smack!

"Kakashi Hatake, you let go of me right now!" she screamed.

"I swore I was going to blister your backside and I damn well mean to," he told her before swatting her again.

Sarah fought in earnest then as she realized he was actually going to spank her like she was a child!  She bit his upper thigh to which he howled and she scrambled away from him but not before he grabbed her ankle and started dragging her back.  She kicked at him.  "I swear to God, Kakashi Hatake, if you spank me one more time it will be the last time you touch me!"

He grabbed her thighs and yanked her back.  He leaned close to her ear, "Don't make threats you won't keep, little fox.  You had that coming and you know it."

"The hell I did!  Oh I can't believe you spanked me like a child!"

"Then don't act like one and I won't do it again," he said with a tone that made her see red.

Sarah knew she was not going to be able to get out of his grip but boy was she angry.  If he thought he was going to get away with that, he had another thing coming.  She might not be able to get loose of him now but he couldn't keep her captive forever.  She was having a hard time remembering why she had a crush on him the way he was acting.  Who does that after having a night like they had?

"Will you let me go now, please?" she managed to say.  "I need to use the bathroom."

Kakashi gave her a narrowed eyed look, "I don't know if I trust you."

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