Those Eyes...

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Kakashi Hatake was for all the world looking as he always did.  One hand in his pocket, a Make Out Tactics book in his hand.  He appeared to be reading but he was not actually seeing the words in front of him.  His mind was back in that dream he had last night.  It had been so real that it had been incredibly frustrating to him when she disappeared and he was suddenly awake in his room, staring at the ceiling.  He had been painfully aroused at the abrupt end to the dream.  Damn.  He had to be bored to have conjured up that kind of a dream.

He shifted his eyes as he caught sight of Konahamaru walking and was about to greet him when he noticed he wasn't alone.  Three women were walking with him.  The two trailing behind were as different as night and day.  The younger of the two was a bit taller than the other, with long dark hair and a darker skin tone to her companion.  She was slender and evenly proportioned between her hips and chest.  She was also staring at Konahamaru's ass as he walked.  Kakashi smirked a little at that.  He then shifted his attention to the smallest of the group.  She could not be taller than five foot four with large breasts that would catch any man's attention.  Her hair was a bright pink and he suspected it was dyed, no one - not even Sakura - had that color of hair naturally.  Her skin was much lighter than her companion.  He then shifted his eyes to the one that Konahamaru was talking with and almost dropped his book.


He froze in the street as he watched them walk past.  Same eyes, same hair, same body.  There was no doubt about it, it was the woman from his dream last night.  He shoved his book in his pack and discreetly followed them.  He got close enough to where he could listen but out of sight enough that they wouldn't notice him following them.

"So where exactly did you come from, Sarah?" Konahamaru asked her.

Kakashi almost did trip over his own feet.  Even the name was the same?  What the hell?  He listened closely to the answer.

"Very far away from here," she answered vaguely.  "I doubt you've ever heard of it."

That was suspicious.  He narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Try me," Konahamaru laughed.  "I've studied about a lot of places.  I might surprise you."

"Japan," she finally said softly.  "We came from Japan."

Konahamaru laughed and put his hand on the back of his neck.  "Okay, you win.  I haven't heard of Japan before.  Why travel so far?"

"Seriously?"  Sarah raised her wrist, showing him a bracelet.  "The Hidden Leaf is the best village in the world."

"Hey, that's really cool," he said as he looked at her bracelet with the Leaf symbol on it.

Kakashi was perplexed now.  He had been all over the world and he had never heard of Japan in any of his travels.  Konahamaru suddenly started laughing and he almost gave himself away as he craned his head around the corner of the alley he was currently hiding in to see what he was laughing so hard about.

"Um... Sarah..." Konahamaru said between laughs.  "Is that Kakashi on your earrings?"

Sarah's eyes widened and she quickly reached up and pulled both off.  Her face flushed red and she covered her mouth.  "Please, don't tell anyone.  I forgot I was wearing them."

Kakashi's eyes widened and he cursed that he hadn't gotten a chance to see them.  Konahamaru was laughing so hard, making the blush on her face get even redder.  He raised his hand as if making a vow, "I swear, I will remain silent.  Where did you even get them?"

"Back home," Sarah said while laughing nervously. "He's a bit popular there."

"I can introduce you to him if you want," Konahamaru said with a grin.  "I've known him forever."

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