Beautiful Bride

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Sarah was glaring at Melissa as she came out of the side bathroom in the dress her friend had bought for her.  "Are you kidding me?"  She was trying desperately to pull the bosom higher to no avail.  "I'm about to pop out of this thing and I don't have that big of breasts!"

Klaudia laughed hard as she watched the two of them.  They seemed to always be at each others throats but she knew that they would be even more vicious with someone that done the other wrong.  It was the nature of their friendship, always giving each other shit but god help the person that hurt the other.  She had told Melissa the neckline was too low for Sarah's tastes but Melissa was bound and determined to make it to where Kakashi wouldn't be able to keep his hands off their friend.

"But girl, you look smoking in it," Klaudia cut in before Sarah could brain Melissa.

Sarah groaned as she turned to look in the mirror again.  It was a green kimono style dress with a plunging neckline.  It was small enough that there was no way she could even hope to wear an undershirt with it either.  Kakashi was already handsy, which had been demonstrated quite effectively as he had continually kept running his hand across her ass while they were walking down the street while shopping for the wedding.

"Stop doing that, people are going to see it!"

"I can't help it," he responded.  "I'm trying hard to not drag you back to our place."

"Our place?"

"I don't care what you say, you're moving in with me," he said causing her to trip over her own foot.  "I already sent someone by to get your stuff."

"Of all the high handed, bossy-"

Kakashi had pulled her into an alley and backed her up to the wall.  His hand went to her throat while his thumb tilted her chin up just before he gave her a kiss that made her knees go weak.  "Stop being stubborn," he breathed as he pulled away.  "Yes, I am high handed where you are concerned. I think it's the only way to get around your stubbornness."

Sarah shook the memory away and focused on the dress.  There was no way she was getting out of wearing it and gave a long sigh.  Game and point to Melissa.  She shifted her eyes over to her friend.  "I'm sooooo getting you for this later, you just wait."

"You'll be thanking me later," Melissa shot back.

Sarah finally turned away from the mirror and went over to Klaudia.  She looked absolutely gorgeous in the white Kimono wedding dress with blue accents.  A hair stylist had shown up about an hour before and had just left after arranging her hair in such a way that she looked like a Japanese princess.  Her eyes burned with happy tears as she looked at her.

"Oh my gosh... I can't believe how beautiful you are," Sarah said with a watery smile.  "I really feel like a big sister about to send her little sister off."

Melissa was fussing with Klaudia's dress a bit, more of a nervous action.  Whether Iruka knew it or not, she had heard what Konahamaru had said and saw his reaction.  She would have to hook into the guy that was scared to death of marriage.  She wasn't going to be expecting him to be doing any asking anytime soon judging by the way he had reacted.  She was happy for Klaudia that her guy was moving so fast.  She shifted a bit on her feet before asking what had been on her mind.

"So... Klaudia... have you and Konahamaru... you know... done the deed yet?"

Klaudia blushed, "No, not yet.  Tonight will be our first time.  He said he wanted to do it the right way... I guess he's a bit old fashioned about that sort of thing?  Believe me, I did take your advice and that was when he pulled out the ring."

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