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Iruka absently stroked the back of little Sebastian as he lay next to Melissa in their bed.  They had been released from the hospital earlier that day.  She was napping while they lay there, having slipped off to sleep after breastfeeding the baby.  He was such a cute little thing laying there.  His features were still so small, Iruka didn't know who he looked like more.  His little eyes did seem to have more of his shape but other than that, he would have to wait to see who he took after.  He was a father.  It was mind blowing to him, even though he had been well prepared for the arrival of the child.  He was so tiny that it was almost scary holding him.

A knock on the door caused him to sigh heavily.  He checked the baby's position on the bed before getting up to answer.  It was probably one of the girls, wanting to get another look at Sebastian.  The three really were like sisters and he had a heart for both of them.  They were like his own sisters at this point.  He opened the door and froze as he saw Kakashi standing there.  His hand was on the back of his neck and he was giving him a smile.

"Iruka, sorry to bother you but-"

Iruka didn't even think about it, he just reared his hand back and flattened it into his nose.  Kakashi was definitely not expecting that as he took the full blunt of the punch, stumbling back a bit.  Whether or not he had broken his nose was in question since he had his mask on but the dark glare he got in return for the punch was answer enough that it was an affective one.

"You damn hypocrite," Iruka spit out.  "Giving me lectures about running in fear from marriage and you just up and run out yourself?  What was your words exactly... oh yes, 'Get over it before your problems spill over into my living room.' Well guess what, YOUR PROBLEM spilled over into MY LIVING ROOM."

Kakashi was pretty sure his nose was broken, he could taste the blood that had come out at the punch.  It wasn't often someone got the better of him but he never would have expected his friend to take a swing at him.  "For the love of god, Iruka!  I broke up with her I didn't-"

Iruka took a step towards him and lifted a pointing finger at him, "You abandoned a pregnant woman after making love and didn't even have the balls to break up with her to her face!"

Kakashi felt his face pale at the words, "Pregnant?"

"You're a damn father, Kakashi, and she had to go through that all alone!  Melissa just had our son and what she went through... Sarah had to do that by herself and has just about worked herself to death to provide for them both.  So don't expect any sympathy from anyone in the village, we're all pissed at you for that act of cowardice!"

"I didn't know she was pregnant, damn it!  Had I known, I never would have left!"

Iruka glared at him, "You have no idea how much I've wanted to kick your ass."

Kakashi glared back at him, "Then do it, Iruka.  I deserve it, I've known that since I left the woman I loved."

Iruka stilled, "You love her?"

Kakashi nodded and raked his fingers through his hair.  "Yes... and I couldn't tell her.  I left to protect her.  Everyone I love or care about dies.  She almost died... I couldn't handle the thought of her being dead because of me and this curse that hangs over me.  I thought it was better if I left...  That she'd move on with Yamato or someone else."

Iruka stared at him before groaning.  "You're an idiot.  As smart as you are, you are an idiot."

"Where is she?" he said softly.

Klaudia finally got home and grabbed her phone as soon as she could.  She called Sarah and after a minute, she finally answered the phone.  "Sarah, Kakashi is back."

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