Sneaky Little Fox

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Kakashi didn't know how Sarah was doing it but she was successfully outmaneuvering him.  Somehow she got past his clones every day and into her building for the last few days.  He even tried catching her in the early morning and she had evaded him then as well.  She was damn smart to figure out how to do it and he had yet to figure out by what means she was slipping away.  He was currently inspecting the building she worked at, trying to figure out how she might be getting away.  Sneaky little fox.

He had to admit, she had impressed him with her cleverness.  However... it was starting to piss him off.  As far as he knew, he hadn't done anything warranting this level of avoidance.  Especially since he KNEW she not only was attracted to him but also most likely in love with him.  The more he thought about what she had said in the dream, the earrings, and what Iruka had told him just yesterday... he was certain of it.

He had gone to Iruka's place to talk to Melissa and try to get some insight into what was going on because he was completely bewildered by the shift from hot to cold.  Melissa had not been there, remarkably.  From what he had observed while trying to hunt Sarah down, she rarely was home or away from him.

"Kakashi... I'm surprised to see you here," Iruka said before stepping aside as he came into the apartment.

"Is Melissa here?  I need to talk to her about something."

Iruka smirked slightly, "Does this something have to do with Sarah?"

Kakashi had given him a narrowed eyed look, not at all amused.  "Is she here or not?"

"No, she actually is in town with Klaudia right now... Sarah might actually be with them.  All three are off work today after all," Iruka had said.  "She said something about a girls day out.  To be honest, I needed the break.  I just can't keep my hands to myself when she's around and I've about worn myself out."

Kakashi had been very annoyed at that point.  He cast a Shadow Clone Jutsu then had looked at his clone, "Go see if Sarah is with Melissa right now."  When the clone disappeared, Iruka gave him a wide eyed look.  "She's been avoiding me since the other night."

"Sarah is... actually managing to evade YOU?  You of all people?"

"I'm about ready to blister her backside," Kakashi growled.  "I haven't been out maneuvered like this... well really ever."

Iruka had laughed hard at the words, "You found your match in wits then, have you?"

"She's just been lucky because I haven't figured out how she's doing it.  I swear when I get my hands on her though..."  Kakashi raked his fingers through his hair.  "Has Melissa said anything about why she's avoiding me like I have the plague?"

Iruka shifted a bit uncomfortable, "Well..."

"Spill it," he had growled.

"Melissa doesn't know what it was exactly but you apparently said something that triggered her.  You knew she was married before didn't you?"

Kakashi stilled, "No... I didn't know that."  He grimaced, "I actually don't know anything about her."

Iruka had started laughing again and Kakashi barely restrained the urge to hit him.  Iruka shook his head at him, "Oh you're something else." He raised his hands up in a symbol of peace when he had taken a step towards him.  "I can't help but laugh at you, Kakashi.  You've never been one to take notice of women."

"I've taken notice, I just haven't pursued them," Kakashi muttered.  "And the one time I decide to, she runs away from me!"

Iruka gave him a sympathetic look, "Let me ask you something.  What is it about this one, Kakashi?  You're not one to get this twisted up over just about anything."

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