You Did What?

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Melissa shifted Sebastian on her breast and winced as he latched on.  That was always a bit painful but she was too shocked by what Iruka just told her she barely noticed.  Her mouth was hanging open as she stared at him in shock.

"You told him where she was at?  Have you lost your fucking mind?!"

Iruka put his hand on the back of his neck, "Well... after I punched him I did."

"Iruka!  Why would you do that to her?  You know damn well he's probably already there!  No warning, nothing!" Melissa could have throttled him as she got up to go to the phone.  "That man has always treated her like she was piece of property to him.  Even just tossing her aside when it was no longer convenient for him.  I should punch you for doing that to her!"

He ran around her and yanked the phone away, out of the wall even.  "Now listen, I had a very good reason for that.  You know I've been just as pissed as you about this."

Melissa glared at him, "I can think of no good reason.  You remember how volatile their relationship could be before?  Now you sent him over there when she's been simmering in her anger and hatred for ten months?"

"He loves her, Melissa," Iruka finally stated.

"What?" she then scoffed.  "He has a damn funny way of showing it!"

Iruka looked at her and gave a heavy sigh.  He walked over to her after setting the phone out of her reach.  "I agree but... I get it.  You should too, you know him as well as I do... better in some ways I suspect. What is the one constant in his life, Melissa?  Losing those he cares about the most and that is almost what happened.  Don't you think that triggered him?"

Melissa stilled then made a face.  "Of all the stupid... idiotic..."

"No one ever said loving Kakashi Hatake would be easy," Iruka chuckled then he groaned.  "They might just kill each other before they work everything out."

"I've told you that I'm glad I was hooked on you right?" 

Iruka laughed hard and the sound jostled Sebastian and he howled loudly, unlatching from being startled.  Melissa re-adjusted him and he quieted down again.  He leaned forward and kissed her.  "I'm glad you were fixated on me, that's for sure."  He shifted his eyes down to the baby, "I'm gonna be jealous for a while."

Melissa felt her face warm at the words, "You're terrible."

"I can't help it, they're so gorgeous..."

Melissa gave him a playful shove before moving back to the recliner with Sebastian, "Perv."

Iruka chuckled, "Are you hungry?  I can make you something-"

She looked over at him after sitting down, "Don't. You. Dare... You'll burn the house down.  I love you Iruka but you are the most accident prone man in the kitchen."

"Well now wait a minute..." Melissa raised both brows at him and he chuckled, putting his hand on the back of his neck.  "Okay, I'll go get us something.  What are you in the mood for?"

"I'd love to have what we did on our first date... it seems appropriate since this is our first night home with Sebastian," she answered with a smile.

Iruka snapped his fingers, "On it.  Do you need anything before I go?"

"No, go ahead," she smiled.

Melissa stared down at her son as he finished up eating.  He was so adorable.  In some ways, he looked like a miniature Iruka.  He was her miracle baby, the baby she wasn't supposed to be able to have.  She smelled his head before kissing it.  Her heart warmed considerably as she held him close to her.  He was the fulfillment of ever hope she had ever dreamed and thought was impossible.  She was so thankful they had got lost in the forest and was brought there.

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