Meeting Captain Kick

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Greg's POV

I walked into the PC (Performance Center) with my friend Robb in tow. We had been friends for a few months now since I recently moved to Orlando. Robb was a taller, bulkier man while I was tall, toned man. Robb was used to women sliding into his dms or straight asking him out. Unfortunately for them, he was already married and had 2 kids that he adored over anything in the world. I on the other hand was single and overlooked quickly when I stood next to Robb, but I was used to it. With Robb only being 27 and I being 42, he got more credit for being his best.

Since we both were WWE-wrestlers-in-training, the PC was our second home. As we were still in training, we didn't travel as much as the other NXT superstars. We were still busy with keeping fit and perfecting our promo skills, I needed to improve on my promo skills since talking to others was a foreign language I had yet to learn, but my in-ring skills were undeniable better than Robb's. He was the people's man while I was a wrestling genius.

Greg: Could we do a practice run, I wanted to perfect my finisher?

Robb: Sure dude... umm what was it called again, I forgot.

Greg: Again, it's fine I call it Ground 0

Robb: Couldn't you go with a manlier finisher?

Greg: Your definition of manly is different from mine Robb.

Robb: Yeah, that's probably why I can pull all the chicks while you cannot get a single person to notice you.

Greg: You know what, let's settle this in the ring, and whoever wins, is the others wingman.

Robb: I don't need one but for the hell of it, I'll even get you a date today.

Greg: Oh you're so on!

We rolled into the ring and snagged a "referee " to make this match official. It started as a simple lock up but Robb easily gained control of my smaller toned physique. He was always great at playing a heel, while I was a great face. Robb grabbed my hair and hit a vertical suplex. I rolled outside the ring to notice a small crowd had appeared at ringside. Taking the use of my distraction, Robb got on the top rope and jumped off, only to be met with a sweet chin music by me. I grabbed his head and lifted him up and rolled him in the ring, I tried to cover him but got a 2 count.

I had picked him up and walked him to the ropes where Robb was met with chops to the chest courtesy from me and a corner clothesline. I threw him down and covered him again only getting a 1 count this time. I looked out the corner of my eye to notice a slim woman who I had seen in tv before. Her name was Dakota Kai and she was NXT the other night fighting with Zoey Stark. Her heel persona was amazing and could kick the hell out of someone without trying. She glanced at me and smirked as I was then rolled into a school boy.

I kicked out at 2 and a half and as I was getting up I got hit with a shining wizard. Robb covered me but I was able to get my shoulder up before the 3 count. Robb got distracted as Dakota got in the apron and asked for his number, and of course Robb was up to giving his number to her, only for Dakota to jump off the apron in time for me to Ground 0. I went for the cover and got the 3 counts. I had won and now Robb was to get me a date or be my wingman if he can't.

I rolled out of the ring and gave Robb a formal handshake as a show of good sportsmanship.

Robb: Great job man, I didn't realize Ground 9 was that good!

Falling for Captain Kick (Dakota Kai and Male oc)Where stories live. Discover now