Vacations aren't forever

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Greg's POV

We are finally back to the US and we were excited. Our NXT standing was amazing and our little "friendship" was making us the power couple of the WWE Universe. Of course Dakotas and Raquels feud was beginning to take flight while I am number 1 contender for the North American Championship at the next Takeover. As we were leaving the airport, many people stared at us and whispered to themselves.

Greg: What is this about?

Dakota: Idk, maybe it's NXT.

Random kid: Is it true your dating?

Greg: Um no.

Kid: Well your vacation photos prove otherwise.

He walked away while we smiled to ourselves.

Greg: Ready to be home?

Dakota: Yes but hell no.

Greg: Me too.

We walked into our house and saw everything was still the same as we left, the only things different was a flower bouquet on the table.

Dakota: Hope your vacation is amazing and I'll see ya when you get back-Teagan. How sweet.

Greg: She can be nice? I'm shocked.

Dakota: Well I'm going to take a shower and take a much needed nap.

Greg: Same.

Dakota: I'm not really in the mood to fuck, I'm really tired.

Greg: I know, I was just going to take a shower.

We walked upstairs and sat our bags down on our bed and stripped our clothes off. We walked into the shower and turned it on. As the water ran down my body I glanced over at Dakota. He body was glistening as the water cascaded from her chest down to her gorgeous legs. I couldn't help but stare as she looked at me.

Dakota: What?

Greg: You.

Dakota: What about me?

Greg: Your perfect, your legs and your eyes, even your precious smile, that's what.

Dakota: Thank you, your not so bad yourself.

Greg: Thanks I'm ready for a nap.

Dakota: I really would love to but we really need to prepare for League of Legends.

Greg: Shit I forgot all about it, when is it?!

Dakota: Next week. Wanna practice?

Greg: Yes!

As we played League of Legends, Dakota and I fell back into our groove and easily dominated the game.

Greg: I think we will easily beat everyone.

Dakota: Definitely.

We played for several hours until eyes started to burn.

Greg: Kota I need to get off, my eyes are burning.

Falling for Captain Kick (Dakota Kai and Male oc)Where stories live. Discover now