NXT Storyline

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Dakota's POV

I got to the NXT arena and walked towards my Locke room waiting for my match with Raquel tonight. Luckily the NXT creative team wanted to see me about Greg and I's possible storyline. Creative was going to talk to Greg later but they needed the okay from me which was already a yes. I waited until Samoa Joe, the new NXT General Manager knocked on my door. He entered my room with a serious expression in his face. He sat down and gave a subtly nod.

Dakota: Hello Mr. General Manger!

Samoa: Good evening cheree.

Dakota: You can just call me Dakota.

Samoa: I prefer cheree.

Dakota: Okay, so are you here to talk to me about my storyline with Greg?

Samoa: Yes I am, what creative wants you to do is to have you fall for Greg slowly, leaving Raquel by herself eventually leading you into a NXT women's title match at NXT Takeover: Black Pool.

Dakota: That's amazing! Did you tell Raquel yet?

Samoa: No I am about to speak with her. Her title reign won't be the longest but she should be glad that she is champion.

Dakota: I completely agree, but thank you so much for this opportunity.

Samoa: You've been wrestling with WWE for several years now, you deserve a title for more than 1 hour.

Samoa Joe left my locker room to go find Raquel, while I was jumping up and down with excitement.

Greg entered my room 30 minutes later after hearing the new storyline idea.

Greg: So I heard the news and I really excited for you!

Dakota: I know all my hard work is finally being paid off!

Greg: What are you doing tonight?

Dakota: A promo about us with Raquel and a match with you coming to aid us at ringside.

Greg: When's the promo?

I look at my watch and see it's on in 2 minutes.

Dakota: We film in two minutes.

Greg: Shit we need to go!

We run down the hallway towards the filming area and see a beaming Raquel.

Raquel: Congrats on the storyline!

Dakota: Thanks, unfortunately the will costly the title.

Raquel: That's okay, I am still excited for you relationship to be noticed by the NXT universe.

Crewman: Everybody at your marks in 5...4...3...2...(mouths)1.

Raquel and I are prepping for our match tonight when Greg comes by.

Greg: Oh hey guys! Greta job Raquel on defending the championship.

Raquel: I don't need your congrats I already know how well I did, besides Dakota already proved that she can handle herself in a match without me.

Greg: I didn't mean to offend you. Can I make it up to you guys.

Dakota: What you can do is leave us alone, or feel an assured GTK to the face. Whatever we need to go to our match against the Robert Stone Brand. See ya loser.

The promo ends with Greg watching us walk away with a frown until a smile pops onto his face, thinking of a way to help us win.

The camera turns off as I walk back over to Greg giving him a tight hug.

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