Vacation of Dreams Pt. 1

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Greg's POV

As I carried my new fiancé into our bedroom, she was covering my chin and neck with soft kisses. As I sat Dakota down she brought me with her, our bodies not leaving each other's. As I gingerly pulled away I stood there taking in the full effect of being in an engagement. I took my shirt off slowly as Dakota  started played with herself which was a big turn on.

Greg: Remember the safe word?

Dakota: NXT.

Greg: Good girl.

I helped Dakota remove her clothes from her small body. Her beautiful chest rose and lowered quicker as i dipped my head towards Dakotas hips. I pulled her shorts down placed delicate butterfly kisses on her inner thighs.

Dakota: Please?

Greg: Okay.

I licked a long strip on Dakota, tasting her leaking juices.

Dakota: Mmh don't stop.

Greg: Never planned to.

I kept licking her and leaving kisses in between making it hard for Dakota to cum. I found her nib and sucked on it gently, not wanting to stimulate her too much.

Dakota: Fuck.

As she moaned out loud I sped up and sucked harder on the nib. The only thing keeping me from letting her cum was the lust and passion I wanted to ensure tonight. As she was closer to her climax I stopped and started kissing her stomach.

Dakota: Babe please.

Greg: Slow and steady wins the race.

Her fingers brushed through my curly hair as I lowered back down on Dakota. She kept me down as I slowly built a steady pace. Since she kept my head down, I massaged her breast feeling her hard, sensitive nipples. She almost climaxed again and I stopped myself from continuing. She whined as placed more kisses in her stomach moving up to her chest. I can enclosed my mouth over her right breast while my left hand massages the other. As Dakota moaned in my ear I sucked hard lightly nipping her nipples.

Dakota: Fuck don't stop.

Greg: Let me do what I do best.

I let go and started sucking her other boob. I wanted to make sure both were well taken care of. She grabbed my chin and pulled me up to her lips, but before I could kiss her she flipped me over on my back. She attached her lips to the sensitive spot on my neck.

Greg: God damn it.

She played with my neck as my arms traced her back, pulling her in to a tight hug. As our body heat over took both of us, we laid there and kissed each other. Some were slow and passionate, while others were faster and lustful. I let go of the hug and positioned myself to enter Dakota.

Dakota: Wait, I need something.

She got off of me and ran to the drawer, it wasn't a mood killer but excited me for what she was gonna grab. She came back with a blindfold and a vibrator.

Greg: Do you're any me to put that on you?

Dakota: Actually it's for you.

She put the blindfold on and pushed me back on the bed. As I laid there wondering what was happening, a sudden vibration was felt on my dick.

Greg: Oh fuuck...

Dakota kissed me as I moaned into her mouth. I was close to releasing as she turned it off. I expected her to get revenge but it was amazing. Now she lowered her body and licked a long strip up my dick and turned the vibrator on low and sat it on the tip of my cock. She jerked and licked my shaft as the vibrator sat on the tip.

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