Vacation of Dreams Pt. 2

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Dakotas POV

I woke up in bed next to Greg, a smile creeping on my face as memories of last night came into my mind. I checked the time and saw it was 5 am, so it was 4 am in the us. I got out of bed and slipped a robe on. Not wanting to wake up Greg, I wrote a note of where is was going and I walked out the back door onto the beach. The cool breeze of the morning air sent shivers down my spin but it felt nice. I walked towards the water waiting for a beautiful sunrise. I sat down on the sand and smelled the salty air, the wind gently blowing in my hair, calm waves washing over me. Not long after Greg walked down to the beach and sat next to me.

Greg: Morning babe, made some coffee.

Dakota: You know me so well. I wanted to see the sunrise.

Greg: I do too, I always find the morning calm and peaceful when I'm here.

Dakota: Question, is anyone else down at the beach?

Greg: No why?

I leaned into Greg and he kissed back harder. As we kissed, a peaceful bliss came after. I leaned back and stared at the ocean again. I laid my head on his shoulders and Greg laid his head on mine. The sun was starting to appear above the clear ocean waves.

 The sun was starting to appear above the clear ocean waves

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Dakota: I don't want this to end, nor this calm feeling.

Greg: Don't worry it won't.

Dakota: How do you know?

Greg: Picture a wave in the ocean, You can see it, measure it — its height, the way the sunlight refracts when it passes through. It's there and you can see it and you know what it is. It's a wave. And then it crashes on the shore, and it's gone. But the water is still there. The wave was just a different way for the water to be, for a little while, and eventually it will come back to you.

Dakota: Thank you, I love you.

Greg: I love you too.

Dakota: That was form the good place wasn't it?

Greg: Yes it was but it felt nice.

Dakota: It does.

Greg: Ready to start the day?

Dakota: You can go back, I think I want to be here for awhile longer.

Greg: Okay, I'm going to go take a shower.

Dakota: Okay bye babe.

I peered over the over at the rising sun, it's beautiful colors making me feel like I'm on cloud nine. Being in the beach was comforting, but as the sun fully rose, the sand became hot and unbearable. I got up and saw the many family's arriving so I covered up and walked back to the house. Greg had a towel around his waist as I walked back into bedroom. I quietly snook up behind him and ripped the towel off only for Greg to grab my robe and slip it off my shoulders.

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