Beginning of Happily Forever After

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Turns out I wasn't happy with how this book ended so I'm just gonna add some more chapters and such. 😝

Gregs POV

I plopped down on the bed with the title on my waist. We just won the NXT championships and I was tired as fuck, go figure.

Dakota: So what do you want to do?

Greg: Sleep.

Dakota: Um no.

Greg: Please?

Dakota: No, how about we go watch a movie?

Greg: Ugh fine.

Dakota: Ya!

As she put on The Proposal, my eyes slowly drooped as Dakota watched the movie. Soon enough I was being shook aggressively.


Greg: Fine I'm awake!

Dakota: Thank you, now that the movies over, what do you want to do?

Greg: Sleep please!

Dakota: Okay fine!

We both got off of the couch and went to the bathroom. Dakota was brushing her teeth as I stripped off my clothes piece by piece. I hardly paid attention to Dakota as I turned the shower on. I felt a pair of hands rub my back, her cold hands sending tingles down my spine.

Greg: Yes babe?

Dakota: Can I join you?

Greg: I don't know, can you?

Dakota glared at me as I chuckled at my own joke. I stepped in as Dakota was taking her bra off and throwing it onto the floor. I looked at her body as she stood under the shower head. As water flowed down her chest, my groin seemed to like the show. I pressed myself against Dakotas wet body, Dakota leaning into me.

Dakota: Mmh please?

I rested my head in the crook of her neck, kissing her, as Dakota cleaned her body. My groin grew hard against her butt as she groped herself. My hands cupped her breasts as she moaned in pleasure.

Greg: Tell what you want.

Dakota: Pleas keep touching me babe.

Greg: Anything for you baby.

As her hand caressed herself, my fingers lightly pinched her nipples. Her head leaned back into my wet chest as ecstasy hit her in waves.

Dakota: Please, I'm begging you.

I nuzzled into her neck giving her gentle, soft kisses. I lowered my hands down her sides, stopping just above her throbbing clit. She turned around and pushed me into the granite wall. She looked into my eyes as she lifted one leg onto hip.

Greg: Are you sure?

Dakota: Please just fuck me.

Greg: Your wish is my command.

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