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Greg's POV

I woke up with a pain in between my legs but I remembered last nights adventures. I rolled out of bed and put some shorts on, grabbing my phone checking the time. I realized that in a matter of 2 weeks, Dakota and I will fight in the match of our lives. I quickly packed my bags since we will be making a quick appearance at Summerslam. As I packed my bag, Dakota woke up to the sound of drawers opening.

Dakota: What are you doing?

Greg: Packing my bag.

Dakota: We don't leave until this weekend?

Greg: I know but I want to be ready.

Dakota: Whatever, I'm going back to bed.

Dakota went back to bed as I finished packing my bag. When I finished, I sat the bag on my dresser and went into the bathroom. I turned the shower on and a few seconds later Dakota walked into the shower.

Greg: I thought you were going back to bed?

Dakota: Oh well.

We took a shower together, us both taking turns playing and teasing each other. At one point Dakota gripped my dick in her hand. I cleaned myself and got out of the shower to shave. As I applied to shaving cream to my chest, Dakota shouted at me.

Dakota: Do not shave that Gregory Moulton!

Greg: But why?

Dakota: Cause it looks hot.

Greg: Can I shave my beard?

Dakota: Yeah no.

Greg: Ugh!

Dakota: Now I'm going to shave my legs.

Greg: Wait why do you get to shave!

Dakota: You don't want rough hairs scratching your legs during sex right?

Greg: Right.

Dakota: Then let me shave my legs.

I left the bathroom to leave Dakota to shave. I put a loose tank top and a pair of baggy shorts on, leaving my hair a wet mess. I walked down the steps and opened the fridge and grabbed milk. I got the cereal and poured myself a bowl until the doorbell rang.

Greg: I got it!

I opened the door and saw Teagan standing at the door.

Teagan: Hey Greg!

Greg: Hey Teagan, what are you doing here?

Teagan: Just thought I'd stop by before you leave for takeover.

Greg: Okay well come on in.

Teagan: Thanks Greg, so how's life?

Greg: I'm doing pretty well for myself. I have my match at NXT Takeover and a quick appearance at Summerslam but that's about it. How about you?

Teagan: Eh, I think creative told shotz and I that we get an opportunity for the tag titles at Extreme Rules, but who knows with creatives recent decisions.

Greg: True.

Teagan: So what are you doing today?

Greg: I've got a contract signing tonight but that's about it.

Teagan: Going to the PC at all?

Greg: Why?

Teagan: Well you want to look your best right?

Greg: Well I already do.

Teagan: Uh huh.

Greg: Whatever, I could pump a bit of iron because of your wonderful suggestion.

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