Epilogue/Book 2?

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Greg's POV

I sat in disbelief, how could this have happened? I thought she was on the pill? A million questions ran through my brain as Dakota waited patiently for me to say something.

Dakota: Greg? Please say something?

Greg: I don't know what to say exactly. I really don't.

Dakota: Are you mad at me? Are sad or upset or confused, just tell me.

Greg: I'm happy.

A smiled crept on my face as I kissed Dakota on the lips

Greg: I'm happy, excited for the future, and ready to take this day by day with you.

Dakota: Oh thank god!

I hugged Dakota as softly as I could as she wrapped her arms around my waist. We stayed like that for a while before separating.

Greg: How far along are you?

Dakota: About 2 weeks.

Greg: Right before Takeover.

Dakota: Yeah, that was a good night.

Dakota: You know, we have to tell Regal right?

Greg: But what about the title?

Dakota: Nothing could ever compare to having a kid, hands down. I know what has to happen and I'm okay with it.

Greg: When do you want to tell him?

Dakota: Soon, no need to push it off for too long.

Greg: What do you want to do today?

Dakota: Sleep and be with you.

Greg: I think I can arrange that.

I swept Dakota off her feet, her laughter filling the air. I walked upstairs to our bedroom and set Dakota on the bed gently. I stood at the foot the bed, admiring my fiancés gorgeous body as she shimmied out of her shorts.

Dakota: You're not going to make me do this by myself right?

Greg: Never.

I gripped the top of her shorts and slowly glided them down her thighs and then down her legs. I lifted her legs up just enough to rest my lips against the top of her calf. I left kisses and love bites on her leg as I made my way towards her underwear. Her breathing became deeper as I hovered just above her hips.

Greg: I want this to be all about you okay.

Dakota: Yes sir.

A shiver ripped through my spine as her words affected me as I pulled her panties off, tossing them somewhere in the room. Her lips were slightly wet as I pressed a finger against her folds.

Dakota: Please Gregory?

Greg: What do you want me to do?

Dakota: Finger me.

Dakota: Yes ma'am.

I leaned over close enough to lick her clit, and I pressed a finger inside of her. She tightened around my finger as I started to slowly pull out and then push back in. Her hips raised slightly and I pushed her back down.

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