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Greg's POV

I got all of my "supplies" for tonight and headed to Dakota and Teagans house. I knocked on the door and was met with Teagan in a pikachu onesie, as I peered over her shoulder to saw Dakota with my sweatshirt on with eeviee onesie pajama pants. I stifled a laugh as Teagan remembered her appearance and let me in.

Teagan: Dakota, your boy toys here!

Dakota: Wait seriously!

Teagan: Nah it's postmates but the delivery guy brought your boyfriend instead, yes it's your boyfriend!

Dakota leaped off the couch and ran to the front door jumping into my arms.

Dakota: (Whispering) I really missed you!

Greg: Me too, but guess what?

Dakota: What?

Greg: We could go back to my place and celebrate our victory, with the help of something's I bought at the "store".

Dakota blushes as I let her down. She turns to Teagan to let her know she's coming to my house. Teagan was already waving her off so we leave.

Dakota: Can I look?

Greg: Mmh, pick one thing and we'll use it.

Dakota: Okay um wow, you got quite a bit of stuff.

Greg: Yeah and I only said one.

Dakota: Okay well I pick this one.

Dakota lifts the vibrator and it's the wireless blue one with 5 settings with a remote. I smirk as she starts unpacking it.

Greg: The thing is that you now have to use it in the car.

Dakota: W-what?

Greg: You heard me, use it or you're going back to Teagans.

Dakota sighs as she undos her leggings revealing her dark red lace panties.

Greg: I see someone was ready for tonight.

Dakota smiles as she turns on the vibrator. She moans as she puts it on the top of her panty covered clit.

Greg: Now give me the remote, since you chose it I get to choose the speed. So you better make sure you don't cum, that's for later.

Dakota handed me to remote as the vibrator was causing her stomach to tighten. I turn it up one level and Dakota moans at the quickened pace.

Dakota: Holy shit.

Greg: Now get rid of that underwear.

Dakota: Do I have too?

Greg: Only if you want me.

Dakota: Okay fine.

She turns the vibrator off and takes her underwear off. As I got to the stop light, I figured a game we could play.

Greg: Okay new game, every time I get a green stoplight, I turn the vibrator to the maximum setting, but if I get to a red stoplight I turn it off. If you don't cum before we get home, you will get to do whatever you want to me. Deal?

Dakota: Deal!

I got to a red stop sign and I grabbed the remote. As it turned green I turned the control to the max. Instantly Dakota was a moaning mess, her legs were shaking and her breathing was a out of control. She gripped my thigh hard as she tried not to moan out loud.

Dakotas POV

The minute Greg turned the vibrator on, I had to resist the urge to cum. It felt amazing on my pussy, and how it made me shake and shudder. The only thing was Greg was speeding through the street hitting every green light, when the light turned yellow, Greg sped up. I needed a bit of a break, so I grabbed Greg's bulge hard. He came to a screeching halt at the light and turned the vibrator off.

Falling for Captain Kick (Dakota Kai and Male oc)Where stories live. Discover now