LFP: Love, Fueds, and Police

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Dakotas POV

It was a few weeks after that one night, my whole body had recovered although it was still difficult for me to sit. I knew Greg would have stopped if I said the safe word. It has been a couple weeks into our love storyline and it was going great. Greg was by my side and my mean side was slowly warming up to my handsome boyfriend. But at the end of the day, we would play League of Legends and probably have awesome sex which I am definitely not complaining. When Greg and I have sex, I feel like I'm alway safe and taken care of although he did bite my pussy on accident once.

I got up from bed and saw a naked Greg asleep. I got up and pulled my panties and a bra on. I struggled to walk but what's new. As I got down stairs, I heard a wolf whistle. I look to see Robb on the couch eating cereal.

Dakota: Ah Robb what are you doing here?!

Robb: Sorry I was just getting the last of my stuff and I'll be moved out. Sorry for seeing you almost naked.

Dakota: It's fine but it would be nice for a warning.

Robb: I'll text you when I'm ab...

Greg: What's wrong babe?

A naked Gregory came down stairs quickly and waited until I pointed out Robb.

Robb: Sup.

Greg: Oh hey man, what are you doing here?

Robb: Picking up the rest of my stuff. You know I did stop by last night and that was the biggest regret of my life, I heard all of the moans btw.

Greg: Well at least it means I'm doing a good job.

Robb: True, but can you cover yourself up, I don't need to know what size you are, though it's 11 inches right?

Greg: Right.

I looked at Greg as he hid behind me. Ugh men.

Robb: Well I'll get my stuff and I'll be out of your hair. As he walked upstairs he slapped Greg's ass.

Dakota: Men.

I walked into the kitchen for a bowl of cereal and we didn't have any left. Fine, I'll just eat the yogurt I got yesterday. I sat down and ate my food and heard an argument from upstairs.

Muffled Greg: Dude you can't just walk into my house, I didn't get any texts or phone calls!

Muffled Robb: That's not my fault, you shouldn't have just moved Dakota into our house without talking to me first!

Greg: Well your moving out so what does it matter to you?!

Robb: We have been friends for the longest time and when one dumb bitch enters your life you get attached and ignore everyone else in your life!

Greg: Maybe I enjoy talking to her or spending time with the woman I love! I can't say the same for you!

Robb: You can not blame me for how my last relationship with Kara was, at least my girlfriend didn't leave me at the altar for their brother!


A belligerent Robb ran down the stairs and left the house slamming the door shut. A now clothed Gregory came downstairs and saw me sitting at the table.

Greg: I'm sorry.

I got up and hugged Greg, he leaned into the hug but didn't really hug back.

Dakota: It okay sometimes people get into arguments and they forgive each other, everything will be fine.

Falling for Captain Kick (Dakota Kai and Male oc)Where stories live. Discover now