Happiness is for losers

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Greg's POV

Just another day being by my self. It's been about 4 months since Dakota left and everything fell apart after she left. I lost our rivalry, meaning I will be on the side lines for a while. I didn't see people often since Adams and Teagans call up. I had no family to visit or to come over.

I was alone.

I rarely left the house and just worked out here. I didn't do much besides work myself to death and sleep. I didn't feel like anything was worth it. When Teagan called I spoke but she couldn't talk long, or when Adam called he spoke 2 words and had to leave. They were all I really had.

Greg: Oh Teagans calling how nice.

I answered the call in my happiest voice.

Greg: Hey teag.

Teagan: Hey how's it going.

Greg: I'm great.

My voice cracked as I tried to be fine but I'm not.

Teagan: What's wrong?

Greg: I promise nothings wrong.

Teagan: Seriously you can tell me anything.

I broke down quickly, letting all my pent up emotions out at once.

Greg: I'm not okay, I've been pretty bad for awhile now. I lost you guys and Dakota and I won't see her for another 2 months, NXT pulled the plug on me so now I'm on the side, and I don't have anybody to visit me or to have come over. I'm alone again and I won't go through it again.

Teagan: Hey, would you like to come to the next live event.

Greg: No I would just be a bother.

Teagan: Please it would be my pleasure?

Greg: Okay, I'll see you In Wyoming.

Teagan: Okay and if you need anything or think of doing anything rash, call me immediately okay.

Greg: Okay I will teag.

Teagan: Bye.

Greg: Bye.

As I hung up all of my emotions came out again. All of the hurt, pain, despair, rushed out of my body. I cried for several minutes until I didn't have any tears left to cry (Lol thanks Ariana).

I decided that seeing Teagan would do me some good and I got ready for the day. My shower lasted for two hours and my beard needed a trim. I started shaving until my phone rang again. I I picked it up and saw Adams number.

Greg: Hello?

Adam: Hey, haven't talked to ya in a bit, how are you?

Greg: Struggling but I'll be fine.

Adam: Yeah I just talked to Teagan, and I thought I'd call for more than 30 seconds.

Greg: Thanks, I'm actually heading up to Wyoming for Smackdown tonight.

Adam: Oh really that's awesome! I can't wait to see you.

Greg: Me too.

We talked for an hour and he had to hang up and when he did I sighed. Adam and Teagan were there for me but I felt that being away from each other makes it hard to be cared for.

Teagans POV a couple hours ago.

Teagan: Hey Adam!

Adam: Yeah babe?

Teagan: Call Greg like right now.

Adam: Why, I know we are friends but why immediately?

Teagan: He's doing pretty bad.

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